摘 要: 奥巴马总统是当今世界上最伟大的演讲家之一,他的就职演讲精于语言,巧于修辞,运用了排比、比喻、头韵、反复等多种修辞手段,给听众留下了深刻的印象。本文着眼于排比修辞,分析了奥巴马是如何有效利用排比修辞来获取国民支持的。这不仅有助于读者更好的理解政治性公众演讲,也有利于英语学习者对其更好的进行翻译。
The parallelism in Obama’s Inauguration Speech
Abstract:Obama is the one of the greatest speakers in the world now and his presidential Inauguration Speech is with flowery language and elaborate rhetoric. It abounds with various rhetoric devices such as parallelism, metaphor, alliteration, repetition and so on, leaving a lingering impression on the audience. The present paper concentrates on the study of this speech from the perspective of parallelism, and analysis how he used effective parallelism devices to procure the support from the public. The paper will not only help the readers have a better understanding of the political public speech, but also good for English learners to make a better translation.
Key Words:Obama; Inauguration Speech; Rhetorical Device; Parallelism