
摘 要
关键词:基坑 支护结构设计 排桩支护
The proposed changzhonglu underground station is located in Baoshan District of in Nanjing. The station is underground 2 layer, with the depth of excavation for the ground 15m.
According to the surrounding environment and geological conditions of the project, we chose row piles and reinforced concrete support based on the real deep foundation pit project.This article involves the related content:
--Applying equivalent beam method, the internal forces of supporting structure were calculated, and the parameters of supporting piles, such as pile diameter, depth-inlay and the maximum bending moment of pile body were given, then for its reinforcement, respectively;
--Determining the section size of beam support, crown and,purlin, then the reinforcement;
--The design of Columns and column piles related;
--The scheme of restraining outside and evacuating inside is used in the whole foundation pit to lower the groundwater level, that is to say, one wreath of double deep mixing piles are set outside the pit to form a sealed curtain for preventing water.
--Then overall, anti-slip, anti-uplift stability index of supporting structure were analyzed as a check by using Beijing Lizheng software. Finally, According to calculation results, the drawings of retaining structure were carried out and testing methods were given.
Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavation pit is necessary to ensure their own safety.
Following the principles of safety, reliability, economy and reasonability for construction. The engineering design of retaining structure of foundation pit was able to meet the requirements of earth excavation and the surrounding environmental protection.
Key Words: excavation project; supporting structure design; row piles.
1.1.1 基本概况
1. 工程名称:上海地铁某站基坑工程设计;
2. 地理位置:上海市宝山区;
1.1.2 项目概况
1. 本工程主体结构±0.000相当于6.50m(本基坑工程设计除特别说明外均采用主体结构相对高程系统)。
2. 主体结构:该工程拟建建筑物地下2层。
3. 基坑规模:基坑形状为矩形220m×20m,基坑开挖面积约4400m2,周长约480m。

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 设计方案综合说明 1
1.1 概况 1
1.1.1 基本概况 1
1.1.2 项目概况 1
1.1.3 工程地质条件 1
1.1.4 水文地质条件 2
1.1.5工程周围环境 2
1.1.6 基坑侧壁安全等级及重要性系数 3
1.1.7 基坑开挖支护设计参数 3
1.2 设计总说明 4
1.2.1 设计依据 4
1.2.2 设计原则 4
1.3 方案设计 5
1.4 基坑的监测 6
第二章 桩加内支撑支护结构设计计算 8
2.1 设计计算 8
2.1.1 计算区段的划分 8
2.1.2 基坑支护设计简图 8
2.1.3 土压力系数计算 8
2.1.4 土压计算 9 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
2.2 支护结构计算 10
2.2.1 第一层支撑轴力计算 10
2.2.2 第二层支撑轴力计算 13
2.2.3 第三层支撑轴力计算 14
2.2.5 抗倾覆稳定性验算 18
2.2.6 基坑底抗隆起稳定性验算 18
2.2.7 基坑底抗渗流稳定性分析 19
2.2.8 桩体内最大弯矩计算 19
2.2.9 支撑拆除验算 21
2.2.10 配筋计算 21
2.3 圈梁设计计算 22
2.3.1 圈梁设计计算 22
2.3.2 二层围檩设计计算 23
2.3.3 三层围檩设计计算 25
2.4 支撑结构设计计算 26
2.4.1 支第一道砼支撑设计计算 26
2.4.2 第一层连系梁配筋计算 28
2.4.4 第二层连系梁配筋计算 31
2.4.6 第三层连系梁配筋计算 33
2.5 立柱、立柱桩设计计算 33 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第三章 基坑降水与止水设计 34
3.1 基坑止水帷幕设计 34
3.2 降水设计 34
第四章 施工要求及监测方案 37
4.1 基坑施工说明 37
4.1.1 概况 37
4.1.2 基坑主要技术特征 37
4.1.3 建筑材料 37
4.1.4 施工方法的确定 37
4.1.5 钻孔灌注桩施工要求 38
4.1.6 双轴搅桩施工要求 39
4.1.7 支撑系统施工要求 40
4.1.8 立柱、立柱桩施工要求 40
4.1.9 质量检测要求 41
4.2 土方开挖与降水 41
4.2.1 土方开挖 41
4.2.2 降排水 42
4.2.3 应急措施 42
4.3 基坑支护监测方案 43
4.3.1 监测目的 44 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
4.3.2 技术要求 44
4.3.3 监测内容 45
4.3.4 观测要求 45
4.3.5 监测的控制要求 46
4.3.6 应急措施 47
4.4 其它 47
参考文献 67
致 谢 68 [资料来源:Doc163.com]