
Today, a large number of active concrete bridges are more or less damaged, the ordinary way of repair is simply to remove the damaged concrete layer, re-pouring fresh concrete. In addition to this cost is relatively high, the impact on traffic is also relatively large. Therefore, precast concrete deck panel technology came into being. The technology was first used in the United States in the 50s of last century, and now the technology is most widely used in steel-concrete composite beam bridges. The connection between the precast deck panel and the lower steel beam is mainly achieved by welding with shear studs, the most common of which is the post-pouring connection. The connection is provided with a hole in the precast deck panel, then the shear studs are welded to the steel beam, then the shear studs are placed in the hole, and finally a concrete seal is poured. This paper used finite element analysis software ANSYS to establish the precast concrete deck panel which is a part of the entity model. The deck panel was connected with the beam by the post-pouring connection, and simulated the impact of vehicles’ emergency brake on the precast deck panel. After the appropriate constraint conditions were added, the corresponding displacement nephogram and internal force diagram were read out. And then changed the load conditions, got the corresponding graph and data, and multiple sets of data was combined to analyze the impact to the precast deck panel deformation and internal forces by the size and the point of the emergency brake load, which provides a theoretical basis for the design of precast deck panel and its application in practical engineering.
Key Words:precast concrete deck panel;steel-concrete composite beam bridges;shear studs;emergency brake

第一章绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2课题研究的意义及目的 1
1.3预制拼装混凝土桥面板国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 4
1.4课题研究内容 4
1.5预期目标 5
第二章钢-混凝土组合梁桥的剪力连接 6
第三章预制拼装混凝土桥面板模型建立 8
3.1 ANSYS简介 8
3.2有限元方法原理及求解过程 8
3.3模型建立 9
3.3.1模型尺寸的拟定 9
3.3.2定义单元类型和材料属性 10
3.3.3几何模型的建立 11
3.3.4网格划分 11
3.3.5施加约束与荷载及求解 12
图3.4 整体有限元模型图 13
第四章求解结果分析 14
4.1ANSYS后处理 14
4.2静态分析 14
4.3结果处理分析 14
4.3.1位移云图分析 14
4.3.2内力图分析 17
第五章结论与展望 21
5.1结论 21
5.2未来研究方向及展望 21
参考文献 23
附录A:ANSYS模型前处理及加载部分命令流 25
附录B:其他三组荷载条件命令流 34
致谢 37