国际原油价格上涨的原因。国际油价上涨是由多种因素决定的,以下从三个方面进行分析。第一,需求强劲,但产能不足。国际石油产量主要集中在沙特阿拉伯和伊拉克,而沙特阿拉伯生产的重油对精炼技术和条件的要求更高。即使各国现在提高炼油能力,仍存在问题,全球炼油加工能力“瓶颈”,劣质产品“相对”库存,所以现在有消息称炼油厂问题,市场价格将会飙升。其次,投机资本。国际投机资本在石油市场的空前活跃,增加了国际油价的上涨。只要大量资金仍在石油市场,油价短期内不会回落。第三,政治格局和突发事件。石油是世界上最重要的战略资源,国家之间的竞争日益激烈,使石油成为一个敏感的产业。例如,美国入侵阿富汗,使中亚丰富的石油资源进入美国的控制,使美国在国际石油价格上更具影响力。与此同时,石油生产国的政治和突发的重大事件将对石油价格产生重大影响。简而言之,国际油价上涨的部分原因是石油需求、产量政策和主要产油国的非经济因素,这些国家都是由世界经济状况决定的。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The impact of crude oil price increase on China's auto industry.
As an important strategic resource related to national economy and people's livelihood, oil has always been one of the important factors influencing the economic development of countries and the world. In the late 1990s, international oil prices continued to languish. But by 1999, international oil prices had risen to a nine-year high of $30 a barrel. Since then, international oil prices have fluctuated slowly, but since 2002, international oil prices have started to rise again. After January 2004, the international oil price has gone up in a straight line. The long-term trend of international oil prices is traceable, and international oil price stability will be the inevitable trend. According to the analysis of the price chart of crude oil price of xinhua property website, the international crude oil price is rising in the stable, with slight fluctuation.
The reason for the rise in international crude oil prices. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]