
摘 要
关键词:方案设计与比选 预应力混凝土连续梁 组合结构体系 有限元分析
Preliminary design of Zheng Xu high speed railway crossing the Grande Canale Bridge
This paper is a preliminary design according to the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal Bridge site at new Zheng Xu high-speed rail project DK348+827.94, mainly to complete the design of main span form and span, divided into holes arrangement, construction plan design and selection and internal force analysis and checking computation.
Design is first proposed two bridge type scheme, then through the comprehensive comparison of the bridge type scheme of economy, technology, etc., and then select the best solution. Based on the principle of practical, economic, safe, beautiful, three span prestressed concrete design 75m+115m+75m continuous prestressed concrete beam bridge and 65m+130m+65m continuous beam with holes in steel pipe concrete stiffened arch combination structure of the two schemes. By comparison, the three span prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge of 75m+115m+75m is determined as the optimal bridge project. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The design of continuous beam bridge mainly includes the structure and the size of the section, the design of the construction scheme, the estimation and configuration of the prestressed reinforcement, the strength, stiffness and stress checking of the main beam structure. This bridge design is the preliminary design, therefore does not carry on the design and the computation of the ordinary steel bar configuration, also does not carry on the bridge pier, the pile foundation reinforcement and the checking computation. The calculation and checking calculation of the main beam structure are completed by the finite element analysis software Dr.Bridge3.0, which is developed by Tongji University.
Key words: Scheme design and comparison Prestressed concrete continuous beam Composite structure system Finite element analysis
1.1 基本资料
本设计桥梁为新建郑徐高铁工程DK348+827.94处跨京杭大运河桥。 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
1.1.2 水文资料
1.1.3 车道和线路资料
1.1.4 设计荷载
1)梁体自重取值为 ;
2)二期恒载取值 ;
3)活载采用 活载;
4)收缩徐变时间为自全桥合拢开始后 天;
5)基础不均匀沉降取值 ;
6)温度荷载:设计中采用的温度模式按以下形式考虑,施工合拢阶段的温度为 ,梁体均匀升温 、降温 ,顶板升温 ,温度按非线性温度形式变化。

目 录
第1章 设计资料 1
1.1 基本资料 1
1.1.1京杭大运河桥址处河床情况及地质情况 1
1.1.2 水文资料 1
1.1.3 车道和线路资料 1
1.1.4 设计荷载 1
1.2 设计依据及要求 2
1.2.1 设计依据 2
1.2.2 设计要求 3
第2章 桥式方案比选 4
2.1 桥梁方案原则 4
2.2桥型方案 4
2.3方案一:预应力混凝土连续梁桥 4
2.3.1 体系特点 4
2.3.2 桥型布置 5
2.3.3 拟定上部结构尺寸 5
2.3.4 下部结构设计 8
2.3.5 材料选用 8
2.3.6 施工方案 8
2.4 方案二:独塔斜拉连续梁组合桥 12
2.4.1 总体布置 12
2.4.2 结构构造与材料 12
2.5 方案比选 14
第3章 主梁内力计算 15 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.1 计算内容及计算程序简介 15
3.2 计算模型 15
3.3 施工过程模拟 16
3.4 荷载及工况组合 16
3.4.1 荷载 16
3.4.2 工况组合 18
3.4.3 材料信息 18
3.5 施工阶段内力计算 19
3.6 施工成桥内力计算 20
3.6.1 一期恒载内力 20
3.6.2 二期恒载内力 20
3.6.3 升温、降温温差次内力 21
3.6.4 支座沉降次内力 21
3.6.5 收缩、徐变次内力 22
3.6.6 ZK活载内力 22
3.6.7 施工成桥组合内力(内力组合包络图) 23
第4章 纵向预应力估索计算 24
4.1 估索信息 24
4.2 估索原理 24
4.2.1 估索的概念 24
4.2.2 按运营阶段应力要求估索 24
4.2.3 按强度计算应力要求估索 27 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4.3 估索结果 27
4.4 预应力筋的布置 29
4.4.1 布索原则 29
4.4.2 钢束布置 29
4.5 锚具的选用和布置 31
第5章 主梁结构验算 32
5.1 概述 32
5.2 验算标准 32
5.3 配束后主力内力图 33
5.4 强度验算 33
5.4.1 基本理论 33
5.4.2 验算结果 34
5.5 应力验算 35
5.5.1 施工阶段应力验算 35
5.5.2 运营阶段应力验算 36
5.5.3 钢筋应力验算 38
5.6 刚度验算与预拱度设置 40
5.6.1 活载作用下的挠度与转角 40
5.6.2 恒载挠度及预拱度设置 41
5.7 支座反力汇总 41
第6章 手算验算跨中截面 42
第7章 工程量统计 47
结束语 48
参考文献 49
附录:设计图纸(目录) 50 [来源:http://Doc163.com]