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摘  要
关键字:糖蜜  饲用活性干酵母  工厂设计  连续发酵  发酵罐


Active feeding yeast has many advantages, such as non-toxic side effects, pollution-free residue, no resistance, and yeast cells are rich in protein, vitamins, fat, sugar, enzymes and various nutrients and some unknown growth factors. Studies have shown that feeding yeast can be used as feed additives, also as an alternative to fish meal in aquatic animal feed protein raw materials. With the development of genetically engineering feed of the animal husbandry, and yeast is an excellent receptor system that can express exogenous recombinant protein. All of these show that feeding yeas has broad application prospects in the feed industry.
This paper introduced a design of plant which can process an annual output of 1,000 tons of feeding yeast, especially of the equipment in the fermentation workshop. This design fully considered the geographical environment, climate conditions of medium-sized city in southern China and the actual situation on domestic active feeding yeast production, and I learned from the mature experience and advanced technology, meanwhile the new technology was used. [资料来源:]
The emphasis of this design was the fermentation workshop, so the technology of fermentation and the design of fermentation tanks are detailed discussed in this dissertation. Firstly I carried on the material calculation in fermentation workshop, and then choosing best fermentation equipment used in the fermentation workshop and carrying on design calculations, and in the final estimating the related consumption of water, electricity, steam and cold.
Keywords: Molasses; Active feeding yeast; Factory design; Continuous fermentation; Fermentation tank



摘  要    5
Abstract    6
第一章  前言    7
1.1饲用活性干酵母概述    7
1.1.1酵母和饲用活性干酵母    7
1.1.2饲用活性干酵母制剂的有效成分和特点    7
1.1.3饲用活性干酵母的营养机制    8
1.2饲用活性干酵母的生产工艺及设备    8
1.2.1饲用活性干酵母生产的原料    8
1.2.2生产的菌种及其扩大培养    8
1.2.3生产工艺参数    8
1.2.4设备    8
1.3饲用活性干酵母的研究及发展现状    9
1.4本设计的目的与意义    9
第二章  绪论    10
2.1设计原则    10
2.2设计方式    10
2.2.1流程的选择    10
2.2.2工艺及设备计算    10
2.3主要设计经济指标    10
2.4厂址选择    11


2.5全厂车间平面布置、管路布置、建筑要求    11
2.5.1平面布置    11
2.5.2管道布置    11
2.6工厂总平面设计原则    11
2.7三废的处理及利用    12
2.7.1废气的处理及利用    12
2.7.2废液的处理及利用    12
2.7.3废渣的处理及利用    12
2.7.4噪音处理    12
第三章  全厂工艺流程选择及论证    13
3.1饲用活性干酵母生产工艺流程    13
3.2原料车间    13
3.2.1糖蜜的酸化、灭菌、澄清    13
3.3发酵车间    14
3.3.1菌种的选择    14
3.3.2酵母的扩大培养    14
3.3.3发酵工艺    14
3.4空气净化系统    15
3.4.1空气净化的目的    15
3.4.2空气除菌流程的选择    15
3.4.3工艺流程    16
3.5灭菌    16 [资料来源]
3.5.1仪器灭菌    16
3.5.2发酵罐除菌    16
第四章  物料恒算    17
4.1工艺技术指标    17
4.2原料恒算    17
4.2.1酵母生产量、干物质量、发酵液量    17
4.2.3培养基配方的物料衡算    18
4.3发酵车间    19
4.3.1消泡剂用量    19
4.3.2液氨用量    20
4.3.3压缩空气用量    20
第五章  设备设计    21
5.1发酵罐选型及要求    21
5.1.1选型    21
5.1.2基本要求    21
5.2发酵罐主要尺寸    21
5.2.1发酵罐材质    21
5.2.2发酵罐个数    21
5.2.3发酵罐高度与容积    21
5.3罐体主要部分的尺寸计算    22
5.3.1罐体壁厚    22
5.3.2封头壁厚    22
5.4搅拌装置    22


5.4.1尺寸设计    22
5.4.2功率计算    23
5.4.3电机及变速装置选用    23
5.5其他部件    24
5.5.1人孔和视镜    24
5.5.2管道接口    24
5.5.3支座    25
5.6传动装置    25
5.6.1安装底盖    25
5.6.2机架    25
5.6.3凸缘法兰    26
5.6.4.传动轴联轴器    26
5.6.5.搅拌轴轴封    26
5.7传热冷却面积    26
5.7.1冷却装置选型    26
5.7.2发酵热、装液量    26
5.7.3冷却水耗量    27
5.7.4传热面积    27
5.8种子罐    27
第六章  发酵车间蒸汽、水恒算    30
6.1蒸汽衡算    30
6.1.1糖蜜处理蒸汽用量    30
6.1.2一级种子罐空消、实消蒸汽用量    30 [资料来源]
6.1.3二级种子罐空消、实消蒸汽用量    30
6.1.4发酵罐空消、实消蒸汽用量    31
6.2空气衡算    32
6.2.1发酵工序    32
6.2.2种子培养等其他空气耗量    32
6.2.3压缩空气用量    32
6.3水衡算    33
6.3.1循环冷却水    33
6.3.2自来水用量    34
6.3.3无菌空气制备用水    34
参考文献    35
致谢    36 [资料来源]

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