摘 要
语言是人类最重要的一种交际工具 , 除此之外,还包括非语言交际行为。非语言交际行为主要指的就是体态语,又被称为“肢体语言”。体态语是人类日常交际中最常见的用身体动作来表达思想情感、交流信息、说明心理意向的一种沟通手段。主要包括姿势、面部表情和其他非语言手段,如点头、摇头等。同时体态语也是由人面部表情、身势语以及其他非言语动作而构成的一个复杂而庞大符号系统,一般来说,通常被认
为是用来辨别说话人内心心灵世界的主要根据之一,体态语是一种人们在长期的交际过程中形成的一种约定俗成的自然符号。并且与特定时代的文化背景有一定关系。比如说在印度,点头表示不同意的意思,摇头表示同意的意思。与此同时,体态语作为非语言交际的一种形式,在跨文化交际中也起着十分重要的作用 , 研究中西方中的体态语有助于我们充分了解中西文化的差异,并且能够有效地避免文化误解和冲突。
Language is the most important human communication tool, in addition, including non-verbal communication behavior. Nonverbal communication mainly refers to the body language, also known as "body language." Body language is the most common means of communication in the human daily communication to express thoughts and feelings, exchange information and explain the psychological intention of a means of communication. Mainly including posture, facial expressions and other nonverbal means, such as nodding, shaking his head and so on. At the same time body language is also composed of facial expressions, body language and other non-verbal action and constitute a complex and large symbol system, in general, is usually considered to be used to identify the speaker heart world of one of the main basis, Language is a kind of people in the long process of communication in the formation of an agreed natural symbol. And with a specific era of cultural background have a certain relationship. For example, in India, nodded disagree with the meaning, shaking his head to agree with the meaning. At the same time, body language as a form of nonverbal communication, in intercultural communication also plays a very important role in the study of Chinese and Western body language helps us to fully understand the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, and can effectively Avoid cultural misunderstanding and conflict.
Key Words: Cross - cultural; body language; interpretation; meaning
摘 要 - 3 -
前言 - 5 -
一、体态语的重要性及其功能 - 6 -
(1)语言的补充功能 - 7 -
(2)句意的否定功能 - 7 -
(3)替代功能 - 7 -
(4)调节功能 - 8 -
(5)强调功能 - 8 -
二、跨文化的体态语对比研究 - 8 -
(1)中西体态语的相同点 - 8 -
(2)中西体态语的差异 - 9 -
1.坐立姿势对比 - 9 -
2.手势对比 - 9 -
3.面部表情对比 - 10 -
4.眼神的对比 - 10 -
三、对外语学习者的启示 - 11 -
四、结论 - 11 -
参考文献 - 12 -
致 谢 - 13 -