摘 要
The construction and development of E-commerce platform in Chinese foreign trade
With the acceleration of global economic integration and the continuous expansion of the Internet, e-commerce activities flourish in the country and brought new opportunities for development in international trade . E-commerce Platform has direct impact on our corporate network to carry out trade and business in the future international trade competitiveness. However, the domestic online trading site, mostly concentrated in the domestic trade, and e-commerce platform business model is more a single, integrated class-based information services, B2B platform for mainstream market take a major share, while small and medium enterprises to expand overseas markets, foreign trade with too much reliance on the mainstream B2B platform for the channel, ignoring its own Web site-building enterprises and brand marketing. Our e-commerce still in its infancy, the external application environment also has more problems there than abroad, a wide gap, especially in the field of foreign trade is also urgent need to vigorously develop, therefore, study the construction of China's e-commerce trade platform is of great practical significance. In this context, this study of e-business trade platform for building e-commerce from a foreign perspective of the specific application of this first e-commerce development of China's external environment, followed by analysis of foreign trade enterprises to explore international market, the major e-commerce channels, in-depth inquiry on this basis the primary channels - the construction of professional e-commerce platform, as well as an important channel - Enterprise Marketing construction site and found the problems and propose the development of countermeasures. Finally, describe the future development trend of China's foreign trade of electronic commerce.
Key words: E-commerce platform, B2B, business marketing websites, the construction, development trends
本文研究我国电子商务外贸平台的建设,从外贸电子商务的具体应用这一角度出发,先浅析我国电子商务发展的外部环境,继而分析外贸企业利用电子商务开拓国际市场的主要渠道,在此基础上深入探究首要渠道—专业电子商务平台的建设情况,以及重要渠道—企业营销型网站的建设情况,发现其中存在的问题并提出相关发展对策,最后展望我国外贸电子商务的发展趋势。我国专业的电子商务平台在立足内贸服务的基础上,应向外贸服务拓展,抢占市场份额,而主流外贸平台应创新发展模式,完善配套服务,介入交易环节,朝提供全程外贸服务方向发展。企业营销型网站,作为另一重要的电子商务平台,应引起优秀企业的高度重视,中小企业也必将涉足,企业网站是外贸企业开展电子商务至关重要的一步。企业应加强营销型网站建设,包括品牌内容建设、网站可用度及可信度建设、电子商务功能建设等,使之成为一重要的外贸电子商务平台,与专业电子商务平台优势互补,结合搜索引擎平台,提高海外推广的效率。未来我国外贸电子商务将朝全流程化、区域化、多元化等方向发展,外贸电子商务的安全、诚信与立法等问题也将逐步得到解决,这需要政府、服务商、专业平台企业及外贸企业的共同努力。 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
目 录 12000字
一、绪论 1
二、外贸电子商务的具体应用 2
(一)电子商务概述 2
(二)我国电子商务发展环境分析 2
(三)外贸企业利用电子商务开拓国外市场的主要渠道 4
三、专业电子商务平台建设 6
(一)国内外主流外贸电子商务平台对比分析 6
(二)其他外贸电子商务平台简介 7
(三)主流专业外贸平台建设存在的问题分析 8
(四)相关对策分析 9
四、企业营销型网站建设 11
(一)外贸企业网站建设存在的主要问题 11
(二)营销型平台建设 11
五、我国外贸电子商务发展趋势 15
(一)整合营销,各平台呈融合化趋势 15
(二)企业电子商务应用呈现产业链与供应链全流程化趋势 15
(三)市场向多元化格局发展 15 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
(四)外贸电子商务的安全、诚信与立法等问题逐步完善 15
(五)第三方电子支付行业与电子商务平台应用加速 15
(六)线上电子商务平台与线下实体平台呈融合化趋势 16
(七)区域化成电子商务未来发展的一大趋势 16
结 论 17
参考文献 18
谢 辞 19 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]