文件组成及目录 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
摘要 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
通过这些方法,通过改变隧道影响区域内断层带非均匀的地层为均匀地层,成功地完成了隧道的开挖和支护。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
关键词:TBM;断层带;岩石强度等级 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The Tuzla tunnel was excavated mainly in fault zones, shale and limestones using the conventional and shielded tunnel boring machine (TBM) methods. Fault zones in shales are brecciaed and clayey, while those in limestones are of blocky structure. The rock mass rating, rock mass classification and support systems proposed for fault zones in Tuzla tunnel are insufficient for explaining the deformation and failure mechanisms encountered in the tunnel. In addition, dyke exposures, the fault-collapsed karstic system and groundwater also caused some problems during the excavation of the tunnel. The most important event relevant to fault zones in the Tuzla tunnel was the selection of a TBM. Before the excavation of the tunnel, the rock was determined to be of poor to fair quality. Therefore, tunneling with a TBM in rock of poor to fair quality was thought to be economic. However, during the excavation, fault zones with poor to very poor rock characteristics were encountered along an area comprising 70% of the tunnel length. The fault zones caused jamming of the TBM cutter and deviation from the tunnel alignment. In this respect, tunneling with the TBM method was quite problematic. Geotechnical problems encountered in the fault zones required special measures to be taken in the tunnel. With these measures, excavation and supporting of the tunnel were completed successfully by transforming heterogeneous conditions in the fault zones to homogeneous conditions in the tunnel impact area.
Keywords: Tunnel boring machine; Fault zones; Rock mass rating