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The research on business process optimization of trade finance of Z Bank Liaoning branch
摘    要
    本文主要研究的便是如何通过优化银行贸易融资业务流程,提升其贸易融资业务竞争力的问题。本文以Z银行辽宁省分行为主要研究对象,首先,研究了国内外在流程再造及流程优化的成熟理论,论证了贸易融资在贸易金融及商业银行的作用及意义,提出了本文主要研究的方向和问题;其次,通过对Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务的调研分析,简述了其现有流程中的问题,并分析了其中的原因所在;最后,针对Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务流程中现存的主要问题,本着从实际情况出发、解决具体问题的原则,确定了“以客户为中心”的指导思想,主要从四个大的方面有的放矢地制定Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务流程转型的方案:思想上转变工作理念并提升服务质量、人员上提升业务人员素质进而打造专业的贸易融资队伍、组织上优化组织架构并推进扁平化改革、技术上借力“互联网+”思维不断加强信息建设,最后列示了保障方案落地的必要措施。 [资料来源:]


The research on business process optimization of trade finance of Z Bank Liaoning branch
In recent years, China has ended the past 30 years the average annual GDP growth rate of 10% of the high growth rate, to the rapid growth of the economy's new normal. Under the new situation, China's banking industry is facing new challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, China's banking industry is facing the impact of the interest rate market, the rising rate of bad, the growing competition and the impact of the Internet Banking, On the other hand, the banking industry in China has also faced the opportunities of adjustment of economic structure transformation, "along the way" and other policies to promote and implement, the "Internet +” wave sweeping across the industry. How to realize the sustainable development of China banking in the challenges and opportunities of the economic environment, trade financing has become an important part of the success. [资料来源:]
To create a professional and efficient trade financing business, directly determines the position of the commercial banks in the competition. This paper mainly studies how to improve the competitiveness of trade financing business through optimizing trade financing business process. Following the route “questioning, analyzing and resolving”, this paper focuses on the Z bank Liaoning Branch. Firstly, the mature theory of process reengineering and process optimization at home and abroad has been studied, and the function and significance of trade financing in trade finance and commercial banks has been demonstrated, the main research directions and problems have been put forward. Secondly, by analyzing, This paper briefly introduces the existing problems of Z bank Liaoning branch in the trade financing business process, and analyzes the reasons of it. Finally, In view of the main problems existing in the process of the trade financing business of Z bank Liaoning branch, the guiding ideology of "customer centered" is determined based on the principle of solving practical problems and solving the problems. The optimizing trade financing business process focuses on four main aspects: transformation of ideas and improve service quality, enhancing the quality of the business and building a professional trade finance team, Optimization of organizational structure and promoting the Flattening Reform, Leveraging the "Internet +" constantly thinking of strengthening information construction. Also, the guaranteeing measures of optimizing trade financing business process have been emphasized. [资料来源:]
By researching on trade financing business process optimization scheme, the purpose is to provide a theoretical guidance and support to Z bank Liaoning branch to enhance the competitiveness of trade financing business and Maintain the traditional advantages of Z bank trade finance business. It is also hoped that the research of this paper will benefit trade financing business of commercial banks similar too.

Key Words:Commercial bank; Trade financing; process optimization; Z bank Liaoning branch
目    录
摘    要    I
Abstract    II
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1  研究背景    1
1.1.2  研究意义    2
1.2  研究目的    3
1.3  研究方法与研究思路法    4
1.3.1  研究方法    4
1.3.2  研究思路    4 [资料来源]
2  相关理论综述    6
2.1  银行流程再造理论    6
2.2  六西格玛管理理论    7
2.3  贸易融资业务风险研究现状    8
3  Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务流程分析    10
3.1  Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务概况    10
3.1.1  Z银行及其贸易融资现状概况    10
3.1.2  Z银行辽宁省分行及其贸易融资现状概况    12
3.2  Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务流程存在的主要问题及原因分析    14
3.2.1  业务流程冗长    14
3.2.2 业务流程单一    16
3.2.3  业务融资审核流程不完善    16
3.2.4 融资方式缺乏创新    17
3.3.5 贸易融资业务流程风险控制机制不健全    18
4  Z银行辽宁省分行贸易融资业务流程再造方案    20
4.1  总体思路与目标    20
4.2  加强风险评级机制    20


4.2.1 加强风险评级机制的应用审查外国商人和外国贸易市场    21
4.2.2 审查外国商人和外国贸易市场    22
4.3  提升业务人员素质,打造专业的贸易融资队伍    22
4.3.1  岗位设置    22
4.3.2  绩效考核    23
4.3.3  落实员工培训    24
4.4  完善银行内部统一授信的风险管理    24
4.2.1建立统一授信的管理    24
4.2.2 建立一个合理的贸易融资风险管理框架    25
4.5  推进贸易融资业务信息建设    26
4.5.1  继续推进信息系统建设    26
4.5.2  实现银企互联    27
参 考 文 献    31
致    谢    32 [资料来源:]

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