
摘 要
In order to improve the residents' travel convenience and comfort, ease the traffic pressure on the roads of the contemporary city, all countries in the development of city rail traffic. Therefore, in the subway construction period how to deal with the contradiction of traffic organization, the subway construction point and road traffic, to minimize the impact of subway construction on traffic worth this paper discussed. According to the traffic engineering and traffic management and control theory, the subway construction along the traffic impact analysis of city subway construction on road traffic. In the subway construction period for road traffic through the reasonable organization, construction technology, construction occupation and point, line, traffic flow analysis of multi-level, the during Subway Construction Construction of road capacity and traffic flow distribution coordination, solve the contradiction between traffic and road subway construction, the subway construction of city economy And the traffic impact degree down to minimum. And to Wuhan subway 5th line construction during more than head station of road traffic organization, for example, in view of the impact of road traffic caused by subway construction proposed corresponding traffic organization scheme and countermeasures. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words: Subway construction; Traffic organization; Road traffic

目 录 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
前 言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景及意义 2
1.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 国外研究现状 3
2地铁施工对道路交通的影响 5
2.1 施工工艺对道路交通的影响 5
2.1.1 暗挖法对道路交通影响 5
2.1.2 明挖法对道路交通影响 5
2.1.3 盖挖法对道路交通影响 5
2.2 地铁施工占道对道路交通的影响 6
3 地铁施工期间交通组织的原理与方法 7
3.1施工对交通的影响区域 7
3.2 交通组织的概念 7
3.3 交通组织的常用方法 7
3.3.1 宏观交通组织 7
3.3.2 微观交通组织 8
3.4交通组织策略 8
3.5 地铁施工期间道路交通标志设置 9
4城市地铁施工期间交通组织方案设计及交通管理策略 10 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.1 地铁施工路段交通现状 10
4.1.1、交通现状调查 10
4.1.2交通现状评价计算方法 11
4.2 交通组织方案 13
4.2.1 交通组织核心思想 14
4.2.2 施工道路周边道路交通组织 14
4.3 地铁施工期间地铁施工管理及道路交通管理 15
4.3.1 加强地铁施工管理 15
4.3.2 加大道路交通整治力度 15
4.4公交线路及站点的调整 15
4.5制定地铁施工期间交通组织方案和技术路线 15
5余家头车站施工期交通组织方案设计 18
5.1 武汉地铁五号线工程概况 18
5.2 车站现状 19
5.2.1站点概况及周边地区情况 19
5.2.2 余家头站施工情况 21
5.3 交通现状调查分析 21
5.3.1 道路及交叉口状况 21
5.3.2 交通现状特征 24 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.4地铁施工期间交通组织 27
5.4.1余家头路段地铁施工对交通的影响区域 27
5.4.2交通组织原则 27
5.4.3余家头路段施工期间交通组织 28
5.4.4 交通组织方案 28
5.4.5 交通管理策略 31
5.5 地铁施工对道路交通影响评价分析 31
5.6 结论及建议 32
6总结 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36