
摘 要
图纸部分主要绘制了工艺流程图,数质量流程图与矿浆(包括水量)量流程图,设备形象联系图,破碎车间、磨浮车间总平面图,选矿厂总平面图以及能够清楚反应磨浮车间、磨浮车间的各断面图。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
The design for the undergraduate graduation design, designed annual handling capacity of 150,000 tons of potash feldspar processing plant, designed for the preliminary design stage. In beneficiation test results, the feasibility study report and deal with similar ore concentrator production practices as the basis for design.
The main contents include two major design specifications and drawings. Instructions include selection and calculation to determine the calculation process, the main selection and computing equipment and auxiliary equipment. Design and production process is a closed three-stage crushing, some closed-circuit grinding, grading, weak magnetic separation - strong magnetic separation - flotation process. Instructions for the design process for a reasonable argumentation in equipment selection, the main choice of equipment crusher, grinding machine, filter machine, classifier, flotation machines, auxiliary equipment to do a preliminary selection. The design of the selected indicators: ore Whiteness: 43.21% ,concentrate Whiteness: 59.67% ,75% fine mineral, plant service life: plant design service life of 8 years, 15° gentle plant. Advanced process technology for the selected device, economically rational, the production of reliable, with high technical and economic indicators. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Drawing some of the major draws of the flow chart, the number of quality flowcharts and pulp (including water) volume flow chart, contact the device image map, crushing plant, grinding and floating the overall plan, to clearly reaction grinding and floating,floating workshop each section mill Figure.
Key Words:Feldspar processing plant; weak magnetic separation; intensity magnetic separation; flotation

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1长石矿物选矿 1
1.2长石应用及其标准 2
第2章 选矿厂的规模与工作制度 5
2.1选矿厂的规模及服务年限 5
2.2选矿厂工作制度与设备作业率 5
2.3选矿厂小时处理矿量 5
第3章 选矿工艺流程的选择与计算 6
3.1破碎筛分流程的选择与计算 6
3.1.1破碎筛分流程的选择确定 6
3.1.2破碎筛分流程的计算: 6
3.1.3破碎筛分流程的计算 7
3.2磨矿分级流程的选择与计算 8
3.3选别流程的选择与计算 9
3.3.1选别流程的确定 9 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
3.3.2据试验报告及现厂生产数据选定原始指标数及具体指标。 10
3.3.3计算各产物的产率 10
3.3.4计算各产物的产量 11
3.4矿浆流程的计算 11
3.4.1磨矿流程的计算 11
3.4.2重选流程的计算 12
3.4.3磁选流程的计算 12
3.4.4浮选流程的计算 14
3.5列出长石选矿流程计算平衡表 15
3.6画出数质量流程图 17
3.7水量计算 17
第4章 主要工艺设备的选择与计算 19
4.1 破碎筛分车间设备的选择与计算 19
4.1.1 Ⅰ段粗碎设备(开路)的选择与计算 19
4.1.2 Ⅱ段中碎设备(开路)的选择与计算 20
4.1.3. III段细碎设备(闭路)的选择与计算 20
4.2 筛分设备的选择与计算 21
4.3 磨矿设备的选择与计算 22 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.4 分级设备的选择与计算 24
4.5 脱泥设备的选择与计算 24
4.6 磁选设备的选择与计算 25
4.6.1 弱磁选设备的选择与计算 25
4.6.2 强磁选设备的选择与计算 26
4.7 浮选设备的选择与计算 27
4.7.1 反浮选前搅拌槽的选择与计算 27
4.7.2 反浮选后精矿搅拌槽的选择与计算 27
4.7.3 浮选槽的选择与计算 27
4.8 脱水设备的选择与计算 28
4.8.1 浓缩设备的选择与计算 28
4.8.2 过滤机的选择与计算 29
4.8.3 干燥机的选择与计算 29
第5章 辅助设备的选择与计算 31
5.1 矿仓 31
5.2 给料机 32
5.2.1.粗碎机给料机 32
5.2.2.磨矿机给料机 32
5.3 胶带运输机的选型和计算 32 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.3.1胶带宽度的计算 32
5.3.2按最大块度校核 33
5.3.3传动滚筒功率 33
5.4 定量给料机 34
5.5 泵的选择计算 34
5.5.1 尾矿输送泵(1#泵)的选择与计算 34
5.5.2 精矿压滤机进料泵(2#泵)的选择与计算 36
5.5.3 供水水泵的选择与计算 39
第6章 结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43