
Simulation Research on SPWM Frequency Conversion Speed Regulation of Asynchronous Motor
Abstract:In this paper, the SPWM asynchronous motor variable frequency speed control system is modeled and simulated. Among all kinds of speed regulation modes, the frequency conversion speed regulation system has the highest efficiency and the best performance, so the frequency conversion speed regulation technology is often used in asynchronous motors. Computer simulation of electric drive control system is an important method to study its working characteristics by using modern software tools. Through the simulation test, we can intuitively see the changes of the research object, optimize and determine the relevant parameters. Therefore, system simulation is indispensable, which provides a reliable basis for scientific decision-making. The general situation of AC speed regulation system, the basic concept of SPWM and the establishment of mathematical model and parameter setting of asynchronous motor frequency conversion speed regulation system in MATLAB/Simulink simulation tool are introduced. Through the simulation of each part of the vector control speed regulation system of AC asynchronous motor, the running characteristics of each part of the system are obtained. Through the simulation of the vector control system of asynchronous motor with the speed of the inner torque loop and the closed-loop flux control system, the change of the research quantity is intuitively understood.
Key words:SPWM;Asynchronous Motor;Frequency Conversion Speed Regulation;Simulation; Mathematical Model

目 录
1 绪论3
1.1 交流调速系统的发展3
1.2 交流调速系统的基本类型4
1.2.1 异步电动机调速系统的基本类型4
1.3 现代交流调速的技术基础4
2 异步电动机SPWM变频调速5
2.1 三相异步电动机的工作原理5
2.2 异步电动机变压变频的基本控制方式5
2.3 异步电动机的数学模型6
2.4 异步电动机的交-交变频矢量调速系统的基本结构7
2.4.1 定子电流控制系统7
2.4.2 转子磁链控制系统8 磁链给定环节8 磁链调节环节8 转速闭环控制系统9 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.5 正弦波脉宽调制(SPWM)控制技术基本思想9
2.6 SPWM变频调速原理10
2.7 三相SPWM逆变器模型11
2.8 SPWM的同步调制和异步调制11
2.8.1 同步调制12
2.8.2 异步调制12
2.8.3 分段同步调制12
2.9 SPWM波形的生成方法12
2.9.1 自然采样法13
2.9.2 规则采样法13
2.9.3 指定谐波消除法13
3 Simulink仿真基础14
3.1 Simulink简介14
3.2 Simulink启动14
3.3 系统仿真14
3.4 Simulink下的自定义仿真15
4 异步电动机SPWM变频调速仿真系统的设计15
4.1 模型设置及其参数15
4.2 仿真结果16