
摘 要
关键词:异步电机 起动发电双功能系统 直接转矩控制系统 矢量控制 仿真
Study on Start and Power Generation of Induction Motor
With the development of power electronic and motion control technology, the double function starter/generator system which is made of induction machine and power electronic converter can be realized. This system is increasingly becoming an important direction of development of modern advanced airborne electronic equipment. Using induction starter/generator system as power supply system in automobile, plane, tank and steamship is becoming a new international research area.
Speed control system with high dynamic performance of DTC technology has been developed after nearly two decades following the vector control. DTC stresses the direct control of torque and flux. It doesn’t need complicated coordinate transformation. This system is easy to control and has the advantages of high dynamic and static response. It has greatly improved the evils of vector control. The DTC system now has been more widely appreciated. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
In this paper, we take induction motor for example, and have a simulation and research on their starting and generation process. The torque control strategy has mainly been used in the process of starting and generation.
The main design of direct torque control is the magnitude of the stator flux deviation and electromagnetic torque deviation of positive and negative. The correct selection of the voltage space vector depended on current stator flux vector of sector, which can reduce the amplitude of stator flux deviation and electromagnetic torque deviation, realize the control of stator flux and electromagnetic torque.
In this paper we build up a simulation model. Experimental results show that the induction motor which uses the torque control strategy directly can have a good dynamic performance and steady-state performance.
Keywords: induction machine; double function starter/generator system; Direct torque control system; vector control; simulation

目 录
摘 要 I
ABSTRACT II [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景与意义 1
1.2集成起动/发电双功能系统 1
1.2.1集成起动/发电双功能系统的发展历程 2
1.2.2汽车集成起动/发电系统的种类 3
1.2.3异步电机起动/发电系统研究现状和方向 4
1.3交流调速技术的发展 5
1.4文章的研究内容 5
第二章 异步电机起动/发电系统的概述和原理分析 7
2.1异步电机起动/发电系统的概述 7
2.2异步电机起动发电的原理分析 7
2.2.1鼠笼式异步电机的基本结构与形式 7
2.2.2异步电机起动发电的原理 9
第三章 异步电机直接转矩控制 11
3.1直接转矩控制技术 11
3.1.1直接转矩控制技术的产生 11
3.1.2直转矩技术相应的特点 11
3.1.3系统的改进和发展 12
3.2异步电机直接转矩的控制原理 12
3.3数学模型的建立 13
3.3.1坐标变换 14
3.3.2异步电机的数学模型 14
3.3.3逆变器数学模型的建立 16
3.3.4磁链、转矩与空间电压矢量的关系 18
3.3.5异步电机磁链模型的建立 20
3.3.6转矩模型的建立 20
3.3.7调节器的建立 21
3.3.8磁链扇区划分和确定单元 23
3.3.9开关信号选择单元 23
3.3.10逆变器的开关频率调节 24
第四章 异步电机起动发电过程的仿真 25
4.1Matlab介绍 25
4.2电压坐标变换 27
4.3异步电机的仿真模型 27
4.4直接转矩的控制器模型 31
4.5逆变器的模型 34
4.6异步电机DTC控制系统仿真模型 35
4.7异步电机起动发电系统过程直接转矩控制系统的实验仿真结果 35
第五章 结论 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41