
摘 要
With the gradual deepening reform of power system, hydropower enterprises are facing the serious challenges of a market economy and the competition on prices and the separation between plants and networks. Existing management theories and methods can't adapt to the change of environment anymore. Therefore, as an economic entity, it is necessary for electricity plants to improve and optimize their operation procedures and introduce advanced management theories to meet the needs of modernized management under the condition of producing safely and steadily.The benefits of power industry come from the effective operation of its huge assets.How to get a better operation of equipments and create a better efficiency in a limited equipment maintenance costs has become a problem to be resolved for the hydropower enterprises and this also has set a higer requirements for the equipment maintenance management.TPM,as a management theory of collection of modern advanced equipment management concepts,has been gradually accepted by the world,and the management concept has a broad application of space in the hydropower enterprises too.This paper made scientific researches on the system reform of the existing operation and maintenance in generation department of the Yingxiuwan hydraulic power plant,changed the situation of the separation of operation and maintenance and probed into how to achieve the integration of operation and maintenance,baced on the understanding of the operation and maintenance management mode of the Yingxiuwan hydraulic power plant.
This paper reviews the development and the theory system of TPM. Combining the background of Yingxiuwan hydraulic power plant, the management problems are analyzed and the solution is presented.It summes up the necessity and feasibility for the Yingxiuwan hydraulic power plant to implement the integratiuon of operation and mainenace baced on TPM and presentes the meaning and significance of the integration. The program of the integratiuon of operation and mainenace is desiged and its content is introduced, including: organizational adjustments, 5S and sponsors activities, the optimization of inspection, the standardization of the maintenance work, TPM training system and the evaluation. At the end, the result of the preliminary implementation of the program is concluded.
Key words: hydropower plant, TPM, autonomous maintenance, the integration of operation and maintenance
本文在研究方法上,坚持理论联系实际,深入企业进行实地调研,采用定性与定量相结合的系统方法对映电总厂基于TPM的运行维护一体化的方案进行设计。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
目 录 43000字
摘 要 I
目 录 IV
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 课题来源及研究内容 2
1.3 本文研究方法 3
2 TPM理论概述 4
2.1 TPM的起源与发展 4
2.2 TPM的理论体系 5 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.2.1 TPM活动的定义 5
2.2.2 TPM活动的内容 8
2.2.3 TPM的基本理念[12] 10
2.3 TPM在国内外的实施情况 11
2.3.1 TPM在国外的实施情况 11
2.3.2 TPM在国内的实施情况 11
3 映电总厂发电部概况 13
3.1 映电总厂背景介绍 13
3.2 映电总厂发电部管理现状 13
3.2.1映电总厂发电部管理组织概况 13
3.2.2 映电总厂发电部管理现状 16
3.2.3 发电部水电站管理存在问题分析 18
3.2.4 发电部水电站管理存在问题的解决思路 20
4 映电总厂发电部基于TPM的运行维护一体化的方案设计 22
4.1 实施运行维护一体化的必要性可行性分析 22
4.1.1 实施运行维护一体化的必要性分析 22
4.1.2 实施运行维护一体化的可行性分析 24
4.2 实施运行维护一体化的内涵及意义 25
4.2.1 运行维护一体化的内涵 25
4.2.2实施运行维护一体化的意义 26
4.3 实施运行维护一体化的方案设计思路 27
5 映电总厂发电部基于TPM的运行维护一体化的方案实施 29
5.1组织调整 29
5.1.1 运行、维护人员职责职能的调整 29
5.1.2 发电部组织结构调整 30
5.2 5S和提案活动的深入开展 31
5.2.1 实施规划 31
5.2.2前期5S、提案活动进展情况 33
5.2.3 5S的深入开展 36
5.2.4提案活动的深入开展 39
5.3 点检、巡检的优化 43
5.3.1点检、巡检概述 43
5.3.2点检、巡检内容的优化 45
5.3.3点检通道的设置 48
5.3.4 目视管理活动的开展 48
5.4 维护工作的规范化 50
5.4.1 制定维护周期表 51
5.4.2 编写维护工序卡 52
5.4.3 明确维护工作实施流程 52
5.5 培训与考评 55
5.5.1 TPM培训体系 55
5.5.2 TPM考评体系 58
5.6运行维护一体化方案的初步实施效果 60
6 总结 62
致 谢 63
参考文献 64
附录A:维护工序卡标准格式 66 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]