
In recent years, with the continuous improvement of scientific research and technology, intelligent and digital equipment has been applied to logistics and warehousing activities to improve the quality of warehousing management. As an important factor affecting the daily management of the warehouse, the temperature needs to be monitored in real time to avoid the abnormal temperature affecting the quality of stored goods and meet the actual storage needs. The warehouse temperature monitoring system based on single chip microcomputer takes STC89C52 single chip microcomputer as the main controller of the system, and uses DS18B20 temperature sensor to realize the real-time detection of ambient temperature. When the temperature is too high, it is cooled by fan, and when the temperature is too low, it is heated by resistance wire. The temperature data detected by the system can not only be displayed in real time through the LCD module, but also the detected temperature information can be transmitted to the mobile phone by using Bluetooth wireless communication technology, so as to improve the intelligence and informatization of the system design.
This design focuses on the systematic design of hardware modules and software programs, and tests the function of system design by making physical objects. From the point of view of the design and debugging of the warehouse, the overall performance of the system is low and the data transmission result is stable.
Key words: warehouse; Temperature; singlechip; DS18B20;Bluetooth

1 绪论 1
1.1课题背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3本文主要内容 3
2 系统设计 5
2.1总体功能要求 5
2.2主控制器方案选择 5 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
2.3金属检测方案选择 6
2.4显示方案选择 6
2.5总体方案设计 7
2.6本章小结 7
3 硬件电路设计 8
3.1主控制器电路设计 8
3.2金属检测电路 10
3.3显示电路 11
3.4按键电路 12
3.5 声音提示电路 13
3.6本章小结 14
4 软件设计 15
4.1软件环境 15
4.2主程序设计 15
4.3频率检测程序设计 16
4.4 LCD显示程序设计 17
4.6本章小结 18
5 系统调试 19
5.1硬件调试 19
5.2 软件调试 19
5.3本章小结 21
总结 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25 [资料来源:Doc163.com]