摘 要
随着人们对电子钟的研究加深,它的开发要求也在不断增高。现在市面上许多电子钟的设计思路很广阔也很多样。较为简单的一种方法就是人们通过中小规模集成电路实现电子钟计时的功能,还有就是人们单独的做出一块电子钟的芯片,配合着外围线路来实现电子钟的功能。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
关键词:电子时钟 单片机 多样
The Design of Automatic Calibration Clock with MCU
With the increasing of people's living standard, people's life demand is higher and higher, the original things already cannot satisfy the needs of people's lives, with the function of the new things have been slowly replace things. Like electronic clock, people use electronic clock is not just to look at the time, people also need to look at the temperature. More and more new features more close to people's lives, so also more and more liked by people. Electronic clock with temperature can make people know the change in temperature.
At present a lot of real time clock, a lot of one-chip computer terminal services to implement, a reverse side need to adopt this way counter, take up hardware resources. Some use parallel interface clock chip, but microcontroller and complex, take up the address and data bus interface chip, chip volume big, take up more space, more bring inconvenience its design. Existing digital clock on the market at the same time also has a problem, if the number is not correct, digital clock doesn't automatically accurate school, different city is not the same time, the clock cannot be simple automatic calibration, so it can't satisfy people's high demand. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Design method of electronic clock has a lot of kinds, can be small and medium scale integrated circuit of the electronic clock, have to use special electronic clock chip with the peripheral circuit of display circuit machines need electronic clock microcontroller programming can also be used to realize electronic clock, electronic clock with the hardware structure of single chip microcomputer flexible, simple programming, facilitate the expansion of the electronic clock function, can use the electronic clock to achieve a variety of control signals.
Key Words: Electronic clock; MCU; diverse
1. 根据原理做出总体的电路框图。
2. 分析每一步要实现的功能,并设计电路,熟悉各个模块对应的问题。
3. 连接各个模块的接口电路。
4. 根据硬件连接图和要实现的功能编写程序。
5. 进行软硬件联合调试。
6. 总结在调试中出现的问题,以及解决办法。
摘 要 II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景和意义 1
1.2 相关技术的进展 1
1.3 本文的安排 1
第二章 单片机与电子时钟的简介 3
2.1 单片机定义 3
2.1.1 单片机分类 3
2.1.2 单片机的特点 3
2.1.3 单片机的应用领域 4 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
2.2 电子时钟的背景 4
2.2.1 电子时钟的应用 5
2.2.2 电子时钟的特点 5
第三章 硬件设计 6
3.1 总体电路框图设计 6
3.2 模块电路设计 6
3.2.1 GPS模块 7
3.2.2 显示模块 7
3.2.3 单片机模块 9
3.2.3 温度传感器模块 10
3.2.5 按键模块 12
3.2.5 复位电路 12
第四章 软件设计 14
4.1 总体流程图 14
4.2 具体程序分析和设计 14
4.2.1 KEIL集成环境的简介 18
4.2.2 KEIL集成环境的基本仿真流程 19
4.2.4 程序流程图 21
4.2.4 液晶显示及流程图 21
4.2.5 温度读取以及流程图 23 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
第五章 电路制作与调试 26
5.1 电路制作 26
5.2 电路调试 26
5.3 软件调试 27
5.3.1 误差分析和消除 27
第六章 总结 30
参考文献 32
致 谢 33