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考虑到校园的总起情况,我们选择价格比较便宜,性能比较完整的单片机设备来是实现。所以我们设计一种构造简单、经济适用的以温度、烟雾传感器,红外感应以顺应市场的需求。                                                                                                    [来源:]

Design and research of campus security system based on single chip microcomputer
In recent years, the safety of the campus has become a more and more important social problem, and the students are the hope of the country's development. Campus security issues have aroused widespread concern, how to establish a good campus security system, to ensure the safety of students in school to set up a lot of people thinking about the problem. The most common accident in the campus safety case in the fire accident is the biggest accident. So in the campus security system is particularly important for fire prevention, I design mainly from the fire protection of this area.


Taking into account the overall situation of the campus, we choose the price is relatively cheap, the performance of a relatively complete single-chip device to achieve. So we design a simple, economical and applicable temperature, smoke sensor, infrared sensor to meet the needs of the market.
This system with the single chip microcomputer and the sensor as the main, plus some other devices can realize smoke, temperature alarm, infrared induction anti-theft function. The design of the hardware of choice: STC89C52 microcontroller, DS18B20 temperature sensor, MQ-2 smoke sensor. LCD1602 liquid crystal display, infrared sensors, etc.. Paper for each of the fire alarm system in the composition interfaces between the parts and each part's function and the main control circuit and peripheral circuit connection mode are introduced in detail, and the software of the system design do detailed analysis.
For anti-theft part of the use of pyroelectric infrared sensor, it is more stable and reliable anti-theft performance, the price is relatively cheap, can achieve a good effect of the design. The anti-theft device is easy to install, easy to conceal, and is not easy to be found, and the utility model is not easy to be stolen.


Keywords: Campus Security;Smoke detection ; MCU; sensor; Infrared induction
    本课题的设计主要完成了防盗和防火的两个方面。在温度报警模块中,从生活常识我们知道火情发生的地方空气的温度会升高,当传感器测量到温度高于温度的设定值的时候[2],通过报警电路报警。 烟雾报警模块是能够检测空气中的烟雾的浓度,当检测的浓度值大于设定值,通过蜂鸣器发出报警。显示模块,采用LCD1602第一行显示烟物浓度,第二行显示当前温度、红外人体感应信号(有人显示为1)、和布防状态。防盗模块,将人体辐射的红外线转变为电信号,如果发现有人,通过报警电路报警。直到感应范围内感应不到有人,将输出由高电平变为低电平,就可以把报警给取消。



目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1  课题背景    1
1.2  防火防盗报警系统的国内外现状    1
1.3  防火报警器的发展趋势    1
1.4  本课题研究主要内容    2
第二章  总体方案设计    3
2.1  烟雾检测传感器选型    5
2.1.1  烟雾传感器的介绍    6
2.1.2  MQ-2半导体气体烟雾传感器    6 [版权所有:]
2.2  单片机选型    7
2.2.1  STC89C52单片机简介    7
2.2.2   单片机的引脚功能描述    8
2.3  红外感应部分    9
2.3.1 电源模块    9
2.3.2 热释电传感器    9
2.3.3菲涅耳透镜    9
2.3.4 BISS0001芯片简介    10
2.3.5  信号采集处理部分    11
2.4  温度传感器    12
2.4.1 温度传感器DS18B20    12
2.4.2 温度传感器的选型    12
第三章  系统的硬件电路    13
3.1  单片机最小系统    13
3.2  烟雾AD采集电路    14
3.3 时钟电路与复位电路设计    14
3.4 声音报警电路    15
3.5  显示模块    15
3.6  按键控制电路    15
3.7  温度传感器电路    16 [资料来源:]
3.7.1  DSl8B20介绍    16
3.7.2  DSl8B20技术参数    17
3.7.3  18B20接口电路    17
3.8  电源模块    18
第四章  系统的软件设计    19
4.1  烟雾检测模块软件设计及流程图    19
4.2  按键部分程序设计    20
4.3  部分程序源代码    21
第五章  总结与展望    26
5.1  总结    26
5.2  展望    27
参考文献    29


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