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摘 要
MCS1系列的8051以及DS18B20的数值温度传感器和HR202型号的 湿度传感器构成该单片机系统.而以PTC光敏电阻为核心组成了设计的粮仓的温湿光度的控制系统。此系统各个点的温度、湿度和光度的数据采集是通过8051单片机实现的,并且该系统有温湿光度的数据显示、危险报警等诸多功能。系统的主控制芯片采用型号为8051的单片机,以及湿度传感器 HR202 以及光敏电阻以便多路温度的检测进行,更为便捷的是该系统采用LCD液晶显示器来形象直观的显示出温湿光度值。
Temperature And Humidity Monitoring System Of The Granary                                                                                         [资料来源]
   Temperature is a necessary condition for human existence save good food which hand the problem to be solved, big grain reserves for a steady development of national economy plays an important role.Because the reserves generally bigger, so the granary of the construction of the general is bigger, its is taller also to the requirement of various conditions, especially the greenhouse luminosity, etc., so the granary of the intelligent control arises at the historic moment.Similarly, archives also needs the same technology, large amount of paper documents before to care.
   MCS 8051 ~ 1 series and numerical temperature sensor DS18B20 and HR202 types of humidity sensor constitute the single chip microcomputer system. The PTC photosensitive resistance as the core of the design of the control system of granary humidity brightness.Various points of the system of data collection of temperature, humidity and luminosity are implemented by 8051 single chip microcomputer, and the system temperature humidity the photometric data show, the danger alarm, and many other functions.System model of 8051 single chip microcomputer is used in the main control chip, using DS18B20 digital temperature sensor model, and the humidity sensor HR202 and photosensitive resistance to multiplex temperature detection, more convenient is the system adopts LCD display to image intuitive show the temperature humidity luminosity values.Method of this paper to determine the design scheme of the foundation, after the article has discussed the hardware and software design, then display system hardware circuit design, the design of the box and a variety of functions, features of the chip.


Key Words:Single-chip Microcomputer ,DS18B20 ,HR202,,LDR, Liquid-crystal display, Warning


目 录
  摘要    IV [资料来源]
  abstract    V
  1 绪  论    1
     1.1  课题背景    1
     1.2 国内外环境检测现在及发展趋势    1
     1.2.1发展现状    1
2 检测系统的系统方案设计    4
     2.1  系统主要单元的选择与选取    4
     2.1.2温度湿度检测模块的选择与论证    4
     2.1.3光度检测模块的选择与论证    4
     2.1.4显示模块的选择与论证    5
     2.2.1 温度传感器的选取    5
3 设计原理    9
     3.1  系统工作原理综述    9
     3.2 DS18B20简介    9
     3.3 HR202简介及测湿度原理图    15 [资料来源]
     3.3.1  HR202的特点    15
     3.3.2  湿度测量电路设计及工作原理    15
     3.4 PTC光敏电阻简介    16
     3.4.1PTC光敏电阻工作原理    16
     3.5 LCD液晶显示电路    17
     3.5.1  LCD1602的引脚说明    17
     3.5.2  控制指令说明    18
     3.5.3 液晶内部显示地址    18
     3.6报警电路    20
     3.7  温湿光度控制输出驱动电路    20
  4 系统设计    22
     4.1 简介Keil Uvision2    22
     4.2  系统组成     22
     4.2.1  关于环境数据测量传感部分    23        [来源:]
     4.2.2  湿度数据测量传感部分    23
     4.2.3  光度数据测量传感部分    23
     4.2.4控制部分    23
     4.2.5  显示部分    23
     4.2.6电源部分    24
     4.3  软件流程图    24
     4.4  运行系统程序设计    27
     4.4.1  运行时读取数据的有关子程序的设计    28
     4.4.2  数据比较程序的设计    28
     4.4.3  环境数据限定程序的设计    28
5结论    29
参考文献    43
附录1.系统设计的原理图    30
附录2. 程序源码    31
致谢    44


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