什么Visual Basic for Application 呢?Visual Basic for Application 是Microsoft Visual Basic 系列的一部分。Microsoft Visual Basic 系列还包括Visual Basic 开发系统(主要有学习版本、专业版本和企业版本)和 Visual Basic 脚本版本(VBScript)。VBA是一个嵌入式的编程开发环境,它可以帮助开发者借助Microsoft Visual Basic的能力来解决客户端的问题。开发者通过使用基于VBA的应用,可以自动的延伸应用的函数功能。缩短开发客户端业务的解决问题的周期性。
Visual Basic、VBA以及VBScript之间的区别是什么?我们什么时候使用其中的一种应用而取代另一种应用呢?Visual Basic是一个用于建立单独的软件部件的标准独立工具,例如,我们可以用它来编辑可执行的程序,COM 部件和动态插件控制。同时,当你必须建立一个用于解决损伤的特殊的方法时,Visual Basic是非常有效的。
在已经存在一个现有的应用的情况下,VBA能够提供和Visual Basic一样有效的工具。而且,对于已经符合你的大部分需求的特定软件而言,VBA是最好的选择。
VBScript 是Visual Basic 语言中几个比较低级的版本,它是被设计为专门用于在WEB网页上使用的语言。当脚本通常能够被用语简单自动化时,VBA是最先进的科技,特别是对于一些特殊的应用自动化而言。不同于VBA ,VBScript没有一个集成开发环境。
微软的哪些应用程序包括Visual Basic for Application呢?VBA6.3在微软Office XP中是一个核心部件,它主要集成在 Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word 中。而VBA5.0主要用于Microsoft Office 97和98中 的Access, Excel, PowerPoint, 以及 Word 中。
Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment
The Visual Basic Environment (General)
This topic discusses how to program in the VBA environment to control either ArcMap, ArcCatalog, or ArcScene by accessing the objects they expose. Your code manipulates the objects by getting and setting properties on their interfaces, such as setting the MaximumScale and MinimumScale of a Map's FeatureLayer; invoking methods on the interfaces, such as adding a vertex to a polyline; or setting a field's value. The code runs when an event occurs, for example, when a user opens a document, clicks a button, or alters data by modifying an edit sketch.
Before we learn the knowledge of Visual Basic for Application Development Environment, we firstly learn the conception of Visual Basic for Application.
What is Visual Basic for Applications?
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is part of the Microsoft Visual Basic family that also includes the Microsoft Visual Basic development system (Learning Edition, Professional Edition, and Enterprise Edition) and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). VBA is an embeddable programming environment designed to enable developers to build custom solutions using the full power of Microsoft Visual Basic. Developers using applications that host VBA can automate and extend the application functionality, shortening the development cycle of custom business solutions.
What are the differences between Visual Basic, VBA, and VBScript? When would we use one over another?
Visual Basic is a stand-alone tool for creating separate software components, such as executable programs, COM components and ActiveX Controls, and is useful when you must build a specialized solution from scratch.