Windows 网络编程
Windows 网络编程(中文4500字,英文3600字)
1 Winsock简介
本章专门讲解编写成功的Winsock应用程序的基本方法。Winsock是一种标准API(application programming interface,应用程序编程借口),主要用于网络中的数据通信,它允许两个或者多个应用程序(或过程)在同一台机器上或通过网络相互通信。有一点我们必须明白:Winsock是一种网络编程接口,而不是协议。使用Winsock编程接口,应用程序可通过普通网络协议如TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol,传输控制协议/网际协议)或IPX(Internet Packet Exchange,Internet数据包交换)协议建立通信。Winsock接口从在UNIX平台上实现的BSDSocket(套接字)中继承了大量的特性。在Windows环境下,这种接口演变成一种真正独立于协议的接口,新发布的Winsock2版本更是如此。
1 Introduction to Winsock
This chapter is dedicated to learning the basic techniques for writing successful Winsock applications. Winsock is a standard application programming interface (API) that allows two or more applications (or processes) to communicate either on the same machine or across a network and is primarily designed to foster data communication over a network. It is important to understand that Winsock is a network programming interface and not a protocol. Winsock provides the programming interface for applications to communicate using popular network protocols such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX). The Winsock interface inherits a great deal from the BSD Sockets implementation on UNIX platforms. In Windows environments, the interface has evolved into a truly protocol-independent interface, especially with the release of Winsock 2.