作者姓名:Bruce Eckel
文章出处:《Thinking In Java》
“为什么面向对象的编程会在软件开发领域造成如此震憾的影响?” 面向对象编程(OOP)具有多方面的吸引力。对管理人员,它实现了更快和更廉价的开发与维护过程。对分析与设计人员,建模处理变得更加简单,能生成清晰、易于维护的设计方案。对程序员,对象模型显得如此高雅和浅显。此外,面向对象工具以及库的巨大威力使编程成为一项更使人愉悦的任务。每个人都可从中获益,至少表面如此。如果说它有缺点,那就是掌握它需付出的代价。思考对象的时候,需要采用形象思维,而不是程序化的思维。与程序化设计相比,对象的设计过程更具挑战性——特别是在尝试创建可重复使用(可再生)的对象时。
Thinking In Java
Introduction to Objects
The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine. The genesis of our programming languages thus tends to look like that machine. [来源:]
But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplification tools (“bicycles for the mind,” as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and a different kind of expressive medium. As a result, the tools are beginning to look less like machines and more like parts of our minds, and also like other forms of expression such as writing, painting, sculpture, animation, and filmmaking. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium.