
This graduation project carries on the fast road design between Ningbo Shuangfeng ~ East Chen city. Mainly use HitCAD 6.8 software for the route, the design route is about 4.5 kilometers, the design speed is 80km/h.
The graduation project is mainly composed of the following contents:Firstly, it is the general design specification, outlining the main tasks of the design and the technical standards of the design; Then, the concrete design is carried out, including the design of plane and vertical plane, retaining wall design and pavement structure design;Secondly, the interchange design and the whole road safety evaluation are carried out at the intersection; Finally, compare the scheme and choose the best design.
Key words:Urban Expressway, Route graphic design, Profile design, Retaining wall, interchange,road safety evaluation

摘要 III
第1章设计说明 1
1.1设计要求 1
1.2时间安排 1
1.3原始资料 1
1.3.1地理位置 1
1.3.2地貌气候 1
1.3.3必要性 2
1.4主要技术标准 2
第2章路线设计 4
2.1选线 4
2.2平面设计 4
2.2.1设计说明 4
2.2.2平曲线要素计算 5
2.3纵断面设计 6
2.3.1纵断面设计步骤 6
2.3.2纵断面设计标准 7
2.3.3竖曲线要素计算 8 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.4横断面设计 9
2.4.1路基宽度 9
2.4.2路堤和路堑边坡坡度 10
2.4.3超高和加宽 10
第3章路基设计 11
3.1路基标准横断面设计 11
3.2挡土墙设计 11
3.2.1挡土墙类型的确定 11
3.2.2挡土墙的布置 11
3.2.3挡土墙计算 12
第4章路面结构设计 17
4.1路面结构概述 17
4.2路面结构设计——新建沥青混凝土路面设计(HPDS软件) 17
4.2.1设计依据 17
4.2.2设计弯沉值和容许拉应力计算 17
4.2.3路面结构厚度计算 19
4.2.4路面结构层交工验收弯沉值与层底拉应力计算 20
4.3路面结构方案比选 21
第5章互通式立交设计 22
5.1互通式立交设计概述 22
5.2互通式立交的选型 22
5.3互通式立交的方案布置 22
第6章桥梁、隧道横断面设计 23
第7章道路安全性评价 24
7.1路段出口行车速度计算与检验 24
7.2划分分析路段 24
7.2.1划分依据 24
7.2.2路段划分 25
7.3沿线运行速度V85测算 26
7.4线形检验与评估 30
7.4.1检验依据 30
7.4.2运行速度检验 30
7.5隧道进出口停车视距检验 32
结束语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]