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Research on the integrated strategy of education secondary college in China's provincial normal university under the comprehensive background
With the development of teacher education integration of the dust settles, provincial normal university must comply with the demand of times development, the common development of both normal and non-normal majors, and always adhere to promote teachers' education in the process of comprehensive development. In order to realize this development goal, normal university must transform the development idea and change the teacher education task from the power of holding the whole school to a professional education secondary school. However, the current provincial normal university education class some problems exist in secondary school Settings, studies of secondary school education class integration is not too much, so this article research has certain value, the concrete embodiment in the following three points: first, the study of secondary school of normal university education class integration problem can enrich the content of teacher education reform and the reform of normal university, for its realization of the goal of promoting teacher education characteristics and normal sexual offers some reform ideas; Second, research the status quo of secondary school of normal university education class can objectively illustrates the current normal university, existing problems and shortcomings, causing normal university to think about the necessity of the integration of secondary school education class; Third, secondary school of normal university education class integrated strategy to further integration and reform of provincial normal university to provide certain reference, prompting normal university to find suitable measures of secondary school education class integration and path.

Based on the teachers' education integration as the research background, according to China's 39 provincial normal university as the research object, the integrated use of literature, case analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods, the status quo of secondary school of normal university education class in the investigation. Investigation of the main contents are: the setting of provincial secondary school of normal university education class, secondary school education class of professional Settings, the distribution of professional of teachers, secondary school education class set the standard conditions, the distribution of teacher education faculty. Through the study found that the provincial normal university in China in the secondary school education class setting there exist the following problems: one is the number of secondary school education class too much, the second is the secondary school education class set standard chaos, three is normal majors and the scattered and lack of enrollments, four is a teacher education faculty. Are the reasons for these problems are the following: one is the influence of the integration trend, the second is the change of the teacher education system, three provincial normal university is the pursuit of interests, four is not yet establish teachers education and professional education enrollments. [资料来源]
Provincial normal university in our country the problems existing in the secondary school education class, on the basis of thorough analysis, to subordinate the secondary school of normal university education class is set to draw lessons from experience, from the reduced number of secondary school education class, institute of specification name; Set up education division and set up teacher education subject and major; To grant administrative power and academic authority to the education college; To construct a teacher team of education, we will carry out the integration of education secondary school.
Key words: comprehensive; Provincial normal university; Education secondary school;

综合化背景下我国省属师范大学教育类二级学院整合策略研究    1
1.  绪论    4
1.1问题的提出    4
1.1.1综合化对省属师范大学的影响    4
1.1.2省属师范大学教育类二级学院设置的随意性    5
1.1.3理论界对省属师范大学教育类二级学院整合研究的不足    6 [资料来源:]
1.2研究意义    6
1.2.1理论意义    6
1.2.2现实意义    7
1.3研究对象和方法及研究内容    7
1.3.1研究对象    7
1.3.2研究方法    8
1.3.3研究内容    8
2.研究综述和理论基础    9
2.1基本概念界定    9
2.1.1教师教育    9
2.1.2省属师范大学    10
2.1.3教育类二级学院    10
2.2研究综述    11
2.2.1教师教育综合化    11
2.2.2师范类大学教育类二级学院整合研究    12
2.3.理论基础    13
2.3.1教师教育一体化理论    13
2.3.2教师教育专业化理论    14
2.3.3管理跨度理论    15
2.3.4规模经济理论    15
2.3.5知识创新群理论    16
3.  我国省属师范大学教育类二级学院现状    17 [资料来源:]
3.1省属师范大学教育类二级学院的设置情况    17
3.2省属师范大学教育类二级学院的专业设置情况    20
3.3省属师范大学师范类专业的分布情况    23
3.4省属师范大学教育类二级学院设置标准情况    26
3.4.1设置标准    26
3.4.2学院名称    28
3.5省属师范大学教师教育师资队伍的分布情况    29
4.  我国省属师范大学教育类二级学院的存在问题及其原因分析    30
4.1存在的问题    30
4.1.1教育类二级学院数量过多    30
4.1.2教育类二级学院设置标准混乱    32
4.1.3师范类专业和学位点的分散和缺失    34
4.1.4教师教育师资队伍分散    35
4.2原因分析    36
4.2.1综合化趋势的影响    36
4.1.2教师教育体系的变化    37
4.2.3省属师范大学追求办学利益    37
4.2.4尚未建设教师教育专业和教师教育学位点    38


5.  省属师范大学教育类二级学院整合措施    39
5.1教育部属师范大学教育类二级学院设置的特点及启示    39
5.2省属师范大学教育类二级学院整合措施    41
5.2.1缩减教育类二级学院数量,规范学院名称    41
5.2.2设置教育学部,建立教师教育学科及专业    42
5.2.3赋予设立的教育学院(部)行政权力和学术权力    44
5.2.4建设一支教师教育师资队伍    44

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