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Research of the safe city video surveillance system
在平安城市视频监控系统设计中,研究给出系统建设的目标、设计原则、摄像头工作方式监控的布局,采用分级管理方案,即市公安局做为一级平台,负责全市监控点的管理和查看,各分局和交警指挥中心做为二级平台,各派出所监控室做为三级平台,提出系统总体结构。建立一个高度集成的管理平台,能将市公安局所辖的消防、交警及治安三个部分的监控网点接入到统一的平台进行统一管理。系统以分布式系统设计理念为基础,从视频监控业务需求中抽象出各功能模块软件实现,采用各司其职、相对独立,各子系统之间的信令交互又使它们构成一个有机的整体。 [资料来源:]
本论文针对平安城市视频监控系统需实现的功能设计给出关键业务流程,在研究功能系统的基础上,按系统功能组成,对系统中的核心部分功能作出了详细的设计,给出系统功能设计的原则、设计思想和工作方式,又对关键技术问题和详细流程作出设计,并制定出系统业务功能要求。对视频网络服务的远程部署、任务调度、数据文件和算法文件相互的独立性等方面进行了探讨描述,最后对系统平台的开发工具Visual Basic和本系统使用VB进行开发所运用到的vb控件、代码模块、窗体属性、图像处理,进行研究设计并给出软件的一些关键功能代码。
关键词: 平安城市  视频监控  网络化 分级结构  统一管理

With the development of economy, the speed of urbanization is speeding up, which leads to the increase of population density and population increase, which leads to the problems of urban management, such as traffic, social security, key areas and so on. Especially in recent years, the new project of urban counter terrorism, which is a new challenge to the public security management, especially the crime prevention and law enforcement. Safe city monitoring system, is to establish a comprehensive, covering a wide range of multi-functional, integrated security prevention and control network in the city, to provide effective help to the public security departments to combat crime and control, improve the accuracy and efficiency of To provide a strong guarantee for the stability and harmonious development of the urban environment. Therefore, the establishment of a safe city monitoring mode, for urban development has important significance. Combined with the actual work, through the analysis and Research on the characteristics of the video surveillance system, put forward the design and implementation of the safe city video surveillance system.


In this paper, the importance and current situation of the development of the video surveillance system and its application in China are studied. Specific research on the needs of the safe city video surveillance system. According to the needs of the various aspects of the design objectives and the implementation of the specific system design.
In the design of the safe city video surveillance system, the paper presents the goal, design principle and the layout of the system construction. It uses the hierarchical management scheme, which is a platform for the City Public Security Bureau, responsible for the management of the whole city. To establish a highly integrated management platform, the Municipal Public Security Bureau under the jurisdiction of the fire, police and public security three parts of the monitoring network access to a unified platform for unified management. System to distributed system design concept as the foundation, from the demand of video surveillance business abstracted to realize every function module, the duties, relatively independent, signaling between each subsystem interaction and make them form an organic whole. [资料来源]
In this thesis, the key business process is given to the function design of the video surveillance system in the city. According to the function of the system, the core of the system is designed. The design principle, design idea and working mode are given. This paper discusses the independence of video network services, such as remote deployment, task scheduling, data file and algorithm file. Finally, the Basic VB and VB are used to develop the software.
Keywords: Network; The safe city;  Monitoring system; Construction mode; The solution

摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1前言        1
1.2课题重要目标和意义    1
1.3平安城市视频监控系统的发展历程    1
1.4研究内容及要解决的问题    2
1.5论文的组织结构:    2
第二章 视频监控系统总体概要设计和分析    4

2.1系统建设目标    4
2.2系统设计原则    5
2.3系统建设图像采集摄像头模式选择    6
2.4前端摄像头工作方式    6
2.5监控布点原则    7
2.6 网络通讯信息传输设计    8
2.7系统整体方案设计    9
2.8系统分级管理    10
2.9存储系统部署方案    11
2.10系统总体构造    12
2.11施工中还需要注意的问题    12
2.12本章小结    14
第三章 系统基本业务功能    16
3.1系统关键业务流程    16
3.2系统功能介绍    17
3.2.1前端采集监视功能    17
3.2.2系统用户权限管理控制功能    18
3.2.3视频实时显示浏览和抓拍功能    19
3.2.4视频信息存储备份和视频检索回放功能    19
3.2.5报警信息联动处置功能    22
3.2.6自动巡检功能    23 [资料来源:]
3.2.7系统数据库数据存储功能    23
3.3系统业务功能要求    23
3.3.1开放接口及标准协议支持    23
3.3.2干线带宽管理    24
3.3.3日志管理    24
3.3.4时钟同步    24
3.3.5媒体交换服务器集群    24
3.3.6全网设备的统一网管    24
3.4本章小结    24
第四章 平安城市视频监控系统的设计    26
4.1前端采集监视和编码服务及信息传输功能设计    26
4.2系统用户权限管理控制功能设计    27
4.2.1用户登录验证类    25
4.2.2用户角色配置类    28
4.3视频实时显示浏览功能及抓拍功能设计    28
4.4报警信息联动处置功能设计    34
4.5视频信息存储备份和视频检索回放功能设计    35
4.6视频监控设备故障自动检测功能设计    38
4.7 数据库实现    39
4.8本章小结    40

第五章 平安城市视频监控系统控制平台的程序开发设计    44
5.1视频监控系统控制平台开发工具介绍    41
5.1.1 VISUAL BASIC 的特点    41
5.1.2 VB可视化编程的基本概念    41
5.1.3对象的属性    41
5.1.4对象的事件    42
5.1.5对象的方法    42
5.2 VB的控件    42
5.3 代码模块    43
5.4 窗体的属性    45
5.5图像的处理的设计    48
5.6变更图像格式设置    49
5.7变更压缩比设置    49
5.8变更抽取来源设置    51
5.9 图像的显示设置    51
5. 10视频录制设计    52
5.11图像的记录和回放    53
5.12 本章小结    55
第六章 总结与展望    57
6.1系统项目总结    57
6.2系统项目展望    57
参考文献    58 [版权所有:]
致 谢    61
abstract    I
Abstract    II
Chapter 1chapterintroduction    1
1.1 Introduction    1
1.2 Topic Goal And Significance    1
1.3 Safe City Development Of Video Surveillance System    1
1.4 The Research Content And The Problem To Be Solved    2
1.5 The Paper Organizational Structure    2
Chapter 2 Chapter Overall Profile Video Monitoring System Design And Analysis    4
2.1 System Construction Goal    4
2.2 System Design Principles    5
2.3 Image Acquisition Camera Mode Selection System Construction    6
2.4 The Front Camera Works    6
2.5 Monitor Stationing Principle    7
2.6 Network Communication And Information Transmission Design    8 [资料来源:]
2.7 System Overall Scheme Design    9
2.8 Hierarchical Management System    10
2.9 Storage System Deployment Scheme    11
2.10 System Structure As A Whole    12
2.11 Also Need To Pay Attention To The Problems In The Construction    12
2.12 Summary Of This Chapter    14
3.1 Key Business Process Design System    16
3.2 System Function Is Introduced    17
3.2.1 The Front-End Acquisition Monitoring Function Design    17
3.2.2 System User Rights Management Control Function Design    18
3.2.3 Video Real-Time Display View And Capture Function Design    19
3.2.4 Video Playback Information Storage Backup And Video Retrieval Function Design    19
3.2.5 Alarm Information Linkage Disposal Function Design    22 [资料来源:]
3.2.6 Automatic Checking Function Design    23
3.2.7 System Database Data Storage Function Design    23
3.3 Business Function Requirement    23
3.3.1 Open Interfaces And Standard Protocols Support    23
3.3.2 Rainfall Distribution On 10-12 Lines Bandwidth Management    24
3.3.3 Log Management    24
3.3.4 Clock Synchronization    24
3.3.5 Media Exchange Server Cluster    24
3.3.6 Tech-Oriented Unified Network Management Of Equipment    24
3.4 Summary Of This Chapter    24
4.1 The Front-End Collection Service And Information Transmission Functions Of Monitoring And Coding Design    26
4.2 System User Rights Management Control Function Design    27
4.2.1 The User Login Validation Classes    27

4.2.2 User Role Configuration Class    28
4.3 Video Real-Time Display Browsing And Capture Function Design    28
4.4the Alarm Information Linkage Disposal Function Design    34
4.5video Playback Information Storage Backup And Video Retrieval Function Design    35
4.7 Database Implementation    39
4.8 Summary Of This Chapter    40
Chapter5 Program Development And Implementation Of The Platform For The Video Surveillance System In The Safe City    41
5.1video Monitoring System Control Platform Developmen    41
5.1.1 The Characteristics Of Visual Basic    41
5.1.2 The Basic Concept Of Vb Visual Programming    41
5.1.3Object's Properties    41
5.1.4Event Object    42 [资料来源:]
5.1.5The Object's Methods    42
5.2 The Vb Controls    42
5.3 Code Modules    43
5.4 The Form Of Property    45
5.5 The Design Of Image Processing    48
5.6 Change Image Formats Settings    49
5.7 Change Compression Settings    49
5.8 Change Pumping Source Settings    51
5.9 The Image Display Settings    51
5.10 Video Recording Design    52
5.11 Record And Playback Of The Image    53
5.12 Summary Of This Chapter    55
 Chapter6chapter Summary And Outlook    57
6.1System Project Summary    57
6.2 System project    57
References    58
THANKS     61

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