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摘  要

关键词:商业银行,  票据业务,  操作风险管理
Research on Operational Risk Management in Bill Business for Bill Department of a Bank
Bill business is an important business in commercial banks’ operation,as it plays an important role, such as adjustments of commercial banks’ balance sheets, stronger liquidity management, increasing intermediary business income, meeting the financing needs of the small and medium-sized enterprises, improving the comprehensive income and so on.


In recent years, bill business in commercial banks is growing rapidly, however, bill business loss events caused by operation risks happened repeatedly, which have negative effect on commercial banks and arising the attention from banking industry. So it is necessary and urgent to study on enhancing the operation risk management capacity of the commercial banks.
This paper begins with the theory about bill business and operational risk, then adopts the management of operational risk of bill business in A Bank as a study object and analyzes its present situations, problems and causes. By using the experience of Basel and COSO theoretical framework for reference and integrating with the present situation of bill operation, the operational risk management of the bill business in A bank is discussed in this paper. In the end, this paper proposes to build up an operational risk management framework in A bank and specific measures on managing operational risks in A bank.

Key words:commercial,  bill business,  operational risk management


目  录
1绪论    1
1.1选题的背景    1
1.2选题的意义    1
1.2.1理论意义    1
1.2.1实践意义    1
1.3国内外研究综述    2
1.3.1国外研究状况    2
1.3.2国内研究状况    3
1.3小结    4
2 票据业务操作风险概述    5
2.1票据业务操作风险的定义和分类    5
2.1.1票据的定义和分类    5
2.1.2票据业务的定义和分类    5
2.2操作风险的定义和分类    5
2.2.1操作风险的定义    5
2.2.2操作风险的分类    6
2.3票据业务的操作风险    7
2.3.1承兑业务的操作风险    8
2.3.2 贴现业务的操作风险    9
2.3.3转贴现业务的操作风险    9
3 我国商业银行票据业务发展概述    11
3.1我国票据业务发展概况    11


3.2我国商业银行票据业务操作风险的特点    12
3.2.1高额高损    12
3.2.2内、外部欺诈为主    12
3.3我国商业银行票据业务操作风险管理的现状    12
3.3.1操作风险管理的认识不足    12
3.3.2操作风险管理水平落后    13
4 A银行票据业务的操作风险管理现状    14
4.1 A银行业务发展概况    14
4.1.1 A银行概况    14
4.1.2 A银行票据业务概况    14
4.2 A银行票据业务的操作风险管理现状和不足    14
4.2.1票据业务操作风险管理    15
4.2.2 票据业务的流程管理    15
4.2.3票据业务的内部控制    17
4.2.4 票据业务的人力资源管理    17
4.2.5票据业务的连续性    17
5 A银行操作风险产生的原因    18
5.1公司治理不完善    18
5.2 内部控制不严格    18


5.3操作风险文化的缺失    18
5.4员工素质有待提高    18
5.5 业务连续性不佳    19
5.6信息披露不充分    19
6 建立A银行的操作风险管理框架    20
6.1操作风险的目标    20
6.1.1定性目标    20
6.1.2定量目标    20
6.2操作风险管理策略    20
6.3操作风险管理的原则    21
6.3.1全面风险管理的原则    21
6.3.2集中管理的原则    21
6.3.3垂直管理的原则    21
6.3.4独立管理的原则    21
6.3.5全程管理的原则    22
6.4建立票据业务操作风险管理环境    22
6.4.1识别与评估    22
6.4.2.监测与报告    23
6.4.3控制与缓释    24
6.5加强流程管理    25
6.6加强三道防线建设    26
6.6建立内控考核评价实施机制    27


7 A银行操作风险管理措施    32
7.1建立操作风险管理框架    32
7.2健全公司治理    32
7.3加强内部控制    33
7.4培育审慎的操作风险管理文化    34
7.5加强员工培训    34
7.6业务的恢复与连续性    34
7.7信息披露    35
8 结束语    36
参考文献    37
致    谢    39

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