关键词:回转支承 羊角臂 校核计算 三维建模
The 3D design of Knuckle arm structure of CWGS type 200 window cleaning machine
With the rapid development of social economy, city scale, many-storied buildings such as bamboo shoots stands up, the windows cleaner was born. There are many kinds of modern window cleaners, and the arm head of the window wiper device is endless, so the windows cleaners need to be more convenient, reliability and safety. This requires that the dynamic performance of the window cleaning machine is better and easy to operate. [来源:]
This paper mainly studies the 3D design of Knuckle arm structure of window cleaning machine, the main contents are as follows:
1.Introduced the development trendency and current situation of Knuckle arm windows cleaner in the article.
2.Analysis of the claw arm structure and three-dimensional modeling by PROE software.
3.Including the design and analysis of the Knuckle arm seat structure,and the selection on the slewing bearing part.
4.Select the bolt of the rotary bearing and check it.
5.The force analysis of boxer arm and the actual situation, combined the lifting force with the working mode which is considering that impose a oblique direction.then check the final calculation.
6.Selected knuckle arm parameters and motor reducer type, and calculate the gear and the rotary bearing.
7.The brief introduction of the 3D modeling part and the steps of assembly.
Keywords:Slewing bearing;Straight arm;Checking calculation;Three-D modeling
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1擦窗机介绍及发展趋势 1
1.2羊角臂结构定义 1
1.3羊角臂结构分析与比较 2
1.4羊角臂功能介绍 2
第二章 羊角臂三维结构方案 4
2.1主要技术参数 4
2.2羊角臂结构吊臂设计方案 5
2.3底座的设计方案 7
2.4减速机齿轮及回转支撑的设计方案 8
2.5回转机构螺栓的设计方案 10
2.6限位开关的选型设计 10
第三章 羊角臂结构计算 15
3.1电动机的选型 15
3.1.1选择电动机的类型 15
3.1.2选择电动机的容量 15
3.1.3确定电动机的转速 16
3.2平角臂应力计算与校核 17
3.3回转支承分析计算及校核 19
3.3.1齿轮分析计算 20 [版权所有:]
3.3.2齿轮校核 24
3.3.3回转支承计算 29
第四 章 PROE三维建模
参考文献 40