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摘 要
本文在对国内外车库现状及发展趋势做了充分调研的基础上,选择四层七列式车库结构为研究模型。升降横移式立体车库就其组成部分而言,可分为三大部分:车库结构部分、传动机构部分和控制系统部分。本文简单介绍了车库的主体结构和特点,对车库的控制系统也作了简单的说明,依据升降横移式立体车库的运行原理,运用力学理论对升降横移式立体车库的结构进行了全面的力学分析,包括升降横移式立体车库的框架结构的强度、横移传动系统中轴的强度和升降传动系统中轴的强度等。为了使停车设备满足使用要求,根据国家关于机械式停车设备通用安全要求的标准、升降横移式立体车库的实际,在升降横移式立体车库中使用了一些必要的安全技术,这样保证了车辆的绝对安全,使得整个车库可以安全平稳的运行。 [资料来源]

Stereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays, the hard-to-Park Problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.
On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose four-layer and seven-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts: part of ear-base structure、part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure and axes, etc. In order to satisfy using demand in design stereo garage, according to criterion of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the Paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for Car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth. [资料来源]
Keywords:Stereo garage, Control system, PLC, Steel structure .



目 录
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1立体停车库的基本概念    1
1.2 国内外立体车库的发展状况及前景    1
1.3 立体停车库的分类及特征    2
1.4 升降横移式立体停车库的设计目标和内容    3
第二章 升降横移式立体车库的结构设计    4


2.1 各种车型的尺寸调查    4
2.2载车板设计及强度校核    5
2.2.1下停车板尺寸    5
2.2.2上停车板尺寸    5
2.2.3 上、下停车板重量    6
2.2.4载车板的强度校核    6
2.3横移机构的设计    9
2.3.1 主要参数的确定    9
2.3.2功率计算    10
2.4导轨支撑梁强度校核    11
2.5框架结构设计    12
2.6横移机构轴的设计与校核    14
2.6.1轴的选择    14
2.6.2 初步估算轴径    14
2.6.3 轴的结构设计    15
2.6.4横移传动轴的校核    16
2.6.5横移转轴的校核    17
2.7横移机构的传动系统设计    18
2.7.1一层载车板横移运动    18
2.7.2其余各层载车板横移运动    19
2.8升降横移式立体车库钢结构设计    19 [资料来源:]
2.8.1焊缝连接要求    19
2.8.2螺栓连接要求    21
2.9升降机构的设计    22
2.9.1主要参数的确定    22
2.9.2链的强度和功率计算    22
2.10斜拉杆的设计    24
2.10.1斜拉杆的强度计算及校核    24
2.10.2螺杆接触面强度校核    26
2.10.3螺栓轴的强度校核    26
2.11提升部分轴的计算校核    27
2.11.1主传动轴的设计    27
2.11.2主传动轴强度校核    28
2.11.3提升传动空轴校核    29
第三章 升降横移式立体停车库电气控制系统设计    30
3.1电气控制系统整体设计    30
3.1.1  PLC进行统一管理和监控    30
3.1.2  自动存取车控制系统    30
3.2系统控制原理    30
3.2.1  主控单元    31
3.2.2  检测点    32 [资料来源:]
3.2.3  控制点    32
3.2.4  建立电气线路    32
3.3电气系统关键部分设计    33
3.3.1  PLC接线设计    33
3.3.2  电机控制及接线设计    34
3.3.3  PLC控制程序设计    35
3.3.4  控制程序模块化设计    36
3.4控制系统工作方式    37
3.4.1  手动方式    37
3.4.2  全自动方式    38
3.5 程序块运行方式    38
3.5.1  程序块编程    38
3.5.2  程序块分类    39
3.5.3  程序块重新编程    39
3.6电气安全装置    40
3.6.1  保护装置    40
第四章 升降横移式立体停车库安全防护措施    41
4.1防坠落装置的设计    41
4.2其他防护措施    42
总 结    44
参考文献    45 [资料来源:]
致 谢    47

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