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再次,对刀盘液压系统的压力损失和冲击进行计算;建立系统的数学模型,分析液压固有频率 和液压阻尼比 对刀盘液压驱动系统响应速度和稳定性的影响,并提出提高系统响应速度和稳定性的相应措施。 [资料来源]

Shield machine is a kind of specialized tunneling engineering machinery, and the cutter head is the key component of shield machine. System for driving the cutter head has large power consumption. The load’sinertia is great and it also has great fluctuation.It is extremely important to adopt a reasonable drive way to the performance of machine. The research in this paper is based on the6.98mearth pressure balance shield machine which is used in the Fuzhou Second Metro Line. This earth pressure balance shield machine is driven by electricity. The driving system has a great impact of starting and bad speed-governing performance. The method of theoretical calculation for the torque of cutter head is studied. The hydraulic system of cutter head for earth pressure balance shield machine is designed, and the performance is also studied.


Firstly, some factors that impact the torque of cutter head are explained. Then, the composition of torque of cutter head is studied. In order to get the theoretical formula of torque of cutter head, all parts of torque of cutter head is deduced in detail. In the end,torque of cutter head of the 6.98m earth pressure balance shield machine is calculated.
Secondly, according to the design requirements of the hydraulic system of cutter head, two solutions are put forward. By comparing their advantages and disadvantages, the closed loop system by using several double-action variable displacement pumps which have large displacement is adopted. Circuit of main drive, make-upcircuit, control circuit and displacement switching and brake circuit are designed, and the principles of four circuits are explained. Then,all hydraulic valves’ models are determined. The main parameters in the system are calculated. The design of cartridgeblocks also is done.
Thirdly, loss of pressure and hydraulic shock ofhydraulic system of cutter head are calculated.Then mathematical model is built. The effect of hydraulic natural frequency and hydraulic damping ratio on the response rate and stability ofhydraulic system of cutter head is analyzed, and the measures of accelerating response speed and increasing stability are put forward. [资料来源:]
Finally, the simulation and analysis of the system is done by using AMESIM, the simulations and analyses of the cutter head’s speed-governing performance and the result of constant power control in different load are done, andthe simulation and analysis of the system which has a damaged motor is also done.
Keywords:Earth pressure balance shield machine; Torque of cutter head;Hydraulic system of cutter head;Mathematical model; Simulation and analysis


第1章绪论    1
1.1土压平衡盾构机简介    1
1.2研究目的及意义    1
1.3国内外盾构机的发展历史和现状    2
1.3.1国外盾构机的发展历史和现状    2
1.3.2国内盾构机的发展历史和现状    3
1.4盾构机刀盘驱动系统的研究现状    4
第2章土压平衡盾构机刀盘扭矩的分析与计算    6
2.1刀盘扭矩的影响因素分析    6
2.2土压平衡盾构机刀盘扭矩的经验计算    7
2.3土压平衡盾构机刀盘扭矩的理论分析与公式推导    8
2.3.1刀盘切削阻力扭矩    9
2.3.2刀盘正面与土体间的摩擦力矩    10
2.3.3刀盘背面与渣土的摩擦力矩    11
2.3.4刀盘圆周面与土体的摩擦力矩    11
2.3.5密封装置产生的摩擦力矩    13
2.3.6主轴承的旋转阻力矩    13
2.3.7刀盘的自重产生的轴承阻力矩    13 [来源:]
2.3.8刀盘开口处的剪切力矩    14
2.3.9土舱内搅拌棒产生的阻力矩    14
2.4 6.98m土压平衡盾构机刀盘扭矩的计算    15
2.5本章小结    16
第3章 6.98m土压平衡盾构机刀盘液压驱动系统的设计    17
3.1刀盘液压驱动系统的设计要求    17
3.2刀盘液压驱动系统方案的比较分析    17
3.3刀盘液压驱动系统的原理设计    19
3.3.1主驱动回路的设计    19
3.3.2补油回路的设计    22
3.3.3控制回路的设计    23
3.3.4马达制动与排量切换回路的设计    24
3.4本章小结    25
第4章液压元件的选型计算与集成块设计    26
4.1液压马达的选型计算    26
4.2液压泵的选型计算    27
4.3电机的选型计算    28
4.4液压阀的选型    29
4.5刀盘液压驱动系统的主要参数计算    31 [资料来源]
4.6集成块的设计    32
4.7本章小结    35
第5章土压平衡盾构机刀盘液压驱动系统的性能分析    36
5.1刀盘液压驱动系统的压力损失计算    36
5.2刀盘液压驱动系统的压力冲击计算    37
5.3刀盘液压驱动系统的数学建模与分析    38
5.3.1刀盘液压驱动系统数学模型的建立    38
5.3.2刀盘液压驱动系统主要性能参数分析    41
5.4本章小结    41
第6章 6.98m土压平衡盾构机刀盘液压驱动系统的仿真分析    42
6.1刀盘液压驱动系统仿真模型的建立    42
6.2刀盘调速性能及系统恒功率控制的仿真分析    43
6.3马达损坏的仿真分析    47
6.4本章小结    50
第7章刀盘液压驱动系统的经济性分析    51
第8章总结与展望    52
8.1论文总结    52
8.2研究展望    52
参考文献    54


附录A    56
附录B    57
附录C    58
附录D    59
附录E    60
致谢    61


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