
关键词:果园旋耕机与传动装置综合设计 传动装置 耕地
The graduation design is a rotary filling machine and the design of the comprehensive design of the transmission device. First, integrated design of rotary type filling machine and a transmission device made simple overview; then analysis and rotary type filling machine and a transmission device integrated design and calculation method of selection principle; then according to these principles of design and calculation of foundation design; then check the turntable device of main components of choice. Integrated design of ordinary type rotary filling machine and driving device consists of six main parts: at present, rotary type filling machine and transmission device design towards long distance, high speed, low friction in the direction of the development, in recent years, comprehensive design of rotary type filling machine and a transmission device is the a. In the design, development and application of integrated design of the rotation type filling machine and a transmission device, at present our country and the overseas advanced level compared to still have a large gap, in the process of domestic design and rotary type filling machine and transmission device design of manufacturing exists many problems. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
The integrated design and design of the rotary filling machine and the transmission device represents the general process of the design, which has a certain reference value for the choice of the design work in the future.
Key words: rotary filling machine and transmission device integrated design of transmission hydraulic


目 录
摘要 2
一、 绪论 5
1. 国外研究现状 5
2. 国内研究现状 6
3. 旋耕机的分类 6
4. 研究内容 6
二、 果园旋耕机材料介绍及选择 8
三、果园旋耕机主要零部件设计计算 10
1、果园旋耕机横辊断面设计方式 10
2、整体横辊架强度的计算 11
3、横辊变形度计算 14
四,横辊的设计方法: 15
1 横辊旋转装置 15
2横辊的设计 16
3、横辊中央断面设计 16
五,横辊的调整旋转机构的设计: 18
1 横辊的调整旋转机构 18
2、最大歪斜侧向力 18
3,横辊中央断面合成应力: 19
六、果园旋耕机装配图 20
七、耕地装置的设计计算 20
7.1计算工作循环中的最大载荷 20
7.2 轴的设计计算 23
1 轴承轴的设计计算 23
2 .轴的结构设计 24
3 轴的强度计算 24
4 主动轴承轴的设计计算 25
7.4 传动结构及设计 25 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
八 刀片的选择 28
8.1 按强度选用刀片 29
8.2 计算功率 29
九 旋耕刀片强度的计算 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33