
摘要:本文主要针对电力系统出现短路故障时,电力系统暂态失稳的问题,采用了MATLAB R2014a软件中的Simulink模块搭建了暂态稳定分析的经典模型单机—无穷大系统模型的,调试系统并设置了最常见的故障单相接地短路故障,把理论上各种提高暂态稳定的措施在仿真中一一实现。通过仿真结果说明该措施的正确性和可行性,对处理实际电力系统具有一定意义。同时也证明了利用MATLAB进行电力系统仿真的简单高效,可以大大提高电力系统的研究效率。
关键词:暂态稳定;单机无穷大; matlab ; sumilink
Simulation of power system transient stability based on MATLAB
Abstract:This paper is mainly focused on the power system short-circuit fault, power system transient loss of stability problem, using the Simulink module of MATLAB R2014a software to build the transient stability analysis of the classical model of single machine infinite bus system model, debuggingsystem and set the most common fault of single phase grounding fault, proving the theory to improve transient stability measures are true one by one in the simulation. The simulation results show that the measure is correct and feasible, and it has a certain significance to the actual power system. At the same time, it is proved that the power system simulation using MATLAB is simple and efficient, and can greatly improve the research efficiency of power system.
Key words:Transient Stability;Single—infinite;matlab;sumilink

1 引言 1
1.1 电力系统暂态稳定性概述 1
1.2 基于MATLAB的电力系统仿真 1
2 国内外现状 2
2.1 国内现状 2
2.2 国外现状 2
2.3 存在的问题 3
3 本文的目标和解决方案 3
3.1 目标 3
3.2 解决方案 4
4 实施步骤 6
4.1 基于Simulink的单机无穷大系统建模 6
4.2 提高系统暂态稳定性的措施 16
5 结果和评论 17
6 结果验证 23
7 结论 25
参考文献 27
致谢 28