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公司SAP Business One实施方案解析


公司SAP Business One实施方案解析(任务书+开题报告+论文17000字)
摘  要
为了在当今动态全球市场中尤其是目前告诉发展的中国消费市场中占据主要地位、提高企业效率、增强企业的竞争力,很多国内以及国际企业选择了ERP系统。其中,很多中小型的生产型企业更是在最近的一年中陆续走上了ERP的道路。SAP Business One是适合于中小型企业的ERP软件,很多中小型的生产型企业开始把目光转变到这个在国际上都非常知名的ERP软件上来。对于生产型企业来说,最为关注的就是它的成本,而对于SBO来说,生产是一个非常薄弱的环节,那么如何解决成本核算的问题,就是一个关键点也是一个难点。



Introduction of SAP Business One
projects’ solutions in companies
In order to occupy the main status, improve enterprise's efficiency, strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in the Chinese consumer market that especially tells development in nowadays global market of the trends at present, a lot of our country and international enterprise have chosen ERP system. Among them, the productive enterprises of a lot medium and small-scale one are on the road of ERP in recent years successively even more. SAP Business One is ERP software which is suitable for the small and medium enterprise, a lot medium and small-scale productive enterprise begin, change, get sight this famous ERP software in the world. To productive enterprise, its cost usually be concerned most, and to SBO, production is a very weak link, then the problem of how to solve cost accounting, even if a key and a difficult point. [资料来源:]
Realize the whole course to the whole logistics management to enterprises through the solution of clothes trade, take the lead in realizing the following function of prices in small and medium-sized enterprises, and carry on the division of the grade to the customer, control the customer's line of credit effectively. The solution of this clothes trade passes the warning form of the stock and varied stock report form, carry on the dynamic control in time to the stock of the warehouse, has reduced the stock cost of enterprises effectively. On the basis of logistics management, have set up entering and sold and deposited the financial affairs with integrated financial affairs to check and calculate, support enterprise realize fund circulate overall management and control. The solution of this clothes can often reflect the condition of production of the workshop at the same time, set up complete order and follow the system, often find out about the executive mode of the order. In addition, the solution of this clothes trade has put out a series of focus datum centres for the policy-making level of enterprises, contain the business procedure in respects such as stocking up, stock, production, sale,etc., and can be overall, macroscopic, reflecting the accurate decision basis for the management policy-makers of enterprises dynamically. On the basis of ERP management software, make the new information-based platform of enterprise, promote and manage, get through the nerve chain of enterprises, promote enterprise's reaction speed, reflect enterprise's operation state in real time.


This text, through the knowledge of learning to get in the school and practice experiences in enterprises, have analyzed the characteristics of productive enterprises and the solutions of the productive enterprises of implementation. The flourishing development of clothes enterprises has brought the opportunity to SBO.

Key words: SBO, main data, flow
目  录
毕业设计(论文)任务书    I
摘  要    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 编写目的    1
1.2 背景资料    1
1.3 项目总体目标    2
第2章 行业分析    3
2.1 行业简介    3
2.2 行业问题现状    3
第3章 基础数据说明    4
3.1 业务伙伴主数据    4
3.1.1 业务伙伴分类    4
3.1.2 客户分类    4
3.1.3 供应商及外协供应商编码及描述    4

3.1.4 业务伙伴组    5
3.1.5 业务伙伴其他信息    5
3.2 物料主数据    5
3.2.1 物料主数据定义    5
3.2.2 物料编码及描述    5
3.2.3 物料组    6
3.2.4 物料属性    6
3.2.5 计量单位    6
3.2.6 关键点    6
3.3 仓库主数据    6
3.3.1 仓库编码    6
3.4 价格主数据    6
3.5 生产数据    7
3.5.1 工序    7
3.5.2 工作中心    7
3.6 财务主数据    7
3.6.1 记账货币    7
3.6.2 成本计价方法    7
3.6.3 成本会计科目    7
3.6.4 凭证编号    8
3.6.5 成本利润中心    8
第4章 业务流程分析    9
4.1 总体流程图    9
4.2 销售预测    10

4.3 样衣制作    11
4.3.1 职业装样衣    11
4.3.2 外贸样衣生产    11
4.3.3 国内加工样衣    11
4.3.4 关键点    12
4.4 销售业务    12
4.4.1 职业装    12
4.4.2 职业装样衣    14
4.4.3 国内加工业务流程    15
4.5 采购计划    17
4.5.1 概述    17
4.5.2 生成生产订单    17
4.5.3 物料需求计划    17
4.5.4 关键点    17
4.6 生产采购    17
4.6.1 概述    17
4.6.2 采购流程    18
4.6.3 关键点    18
4.7 生产下达流程    18
4.7.1 概述    18
4.7.2 生产排产    19
4.7.3 生产计划汇报    19
4.7.4 关键点    19
4.8 车间管理流程    19 [版权所有:]
4.8.1 概述    19
4.9 库房管理    19
4.9.1 采购入库    19
4.9.2 委托加工    20
4.9.3 生产领料    21
4.9.4 成品入库    21
4.9.5 成品出库    22
4.10 样板出入库管理    22
4.11 财务管理    22
4.11.1 资金管理    22
4.11.2 利润中心    22
4.11.3 确定应收账款    23
4.11.4 确定应付账款    23
4.11.5 预付账套    23
4.11.6 其他应收、其他应付款    23
4.11.7 收款    23
4.11.8 付款    24
4.11.9 应收账款的核对    24
4.11.10 应付账款的核对    24
4.11.11 外协加工财务处理    24
4.11.12 费用的报销    25
4.11.13 库存和成本管理    25
4.11.14 税金管理    25


4.11.15 低值易耗品管理    25
4.11.16 月末结账    25
第5章 结论    26
参考文献    27
致  谢    28

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