DAnalysis and design of enterprise employee wages management system
企业员工工资管理系统分析与设计这篇论文它从企业工资中的管理系统中的开发设计着手写,把WEB作为本篇论文系统开发中的基础,全方位的概括了企业工资管理中的系统开发的技术和以及系统整体过程开发技术的功能需求,以及设计实现开发技术的功能需求与开发技术的功能需求等。并且针对系统数据库设计与实现方面进行了重点的介绍,内容还包含了系统设计的整体架构方面。在这个系统中使用了在当前最为前沿的SSH组合架构技术。在表示层使用的是Struts的技术,实现的是优秀的MVC模式。在业务层次使用中,用的是Spring 组件的技术,为了使系统具有良好的可扩展性,数据管理层和表示会话层访问的对象通过容器的管理思想进行管理来实现。采用ORM(对象关系映射)框架Hibernate框架作为数据持久化的框架技术,通过利用框架的的特点把业务逻辑层和数据处理层进行分割,实现降低系统模块间的耦合度。在系统中的开发结果中的表明,使用SSH复合框架,即Struts+Spring+Hibernate框架的完美整合作为系统的开发框架,极大地降低了系统的复用性提高系统升级和维护的效率。
Analysis and design of enterprise employee wages management system
Due to the rapid development of modern enterprise, many related management system, and the related software development industry has been upgraded, the daily operation and management of enterprises has been greatly affected, the enterprise wages management system has become a common use of management tools, and to carry out enterprise related wages and personnel management, and enhance the management efficiency of enterprise operations.
Enterprise employee salary management system analysis and design of this paper from the enterprise wages management system development and design of the design of the WEB as the basis for the development of this system, the whole range of the system development technology and system development technology and the functional requirements of the design and implementation of functional requirements and development technology. And the system database design and implementation of the focus of the introduction, the content also includes the overall structure of the system design. In this system, the SSH architecture technology, which is the most advanced, is used in this system. In the presentation layer using the Struts technology, the implementation of the MVC model is excellent. In service level, it is a technology of Spring component, in order to make the system have good scalability, data management layer and the object of the session layer access management to realize the management of the container. Using ORM (object relational mapping) framework, Hibernate framework is used as the framework of data persistence, and through the use of framework, the business logic layer and data processing layer are divided, and the coupling degree between the system modules is reduced. In the development of the system, the use of SSH composite framework, that is, the perfect integration of the Struts+Spring+Hibernate framework as a system development framework, greatly reducing the system's reusability and improve the efficiency of system upgrades and maintenance.
Payroll Management, SSH Framework, MVC Mode
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 1
第1章 绪 论 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 开发目的 4
1.3 本文组织安排 4
第2章 需求分析 6
2.1 可行性分析 6
2.1.1技术可行性分析 6
2.1.2时间可行性分析 8
2.2 系统需求分析 8
2.2.1系统开发运行环境 8
2.2.2系统功能概述 9
2.3 系统分析结论 10
第3章 系统设计 11
3.1 项目规范 11
3.1.1总体规范 11
3.1.2开发规范 11
3.2 数据库设计 12 [资料来源:]
3.2.1概念模型设计(ER图) 12
3.2.2数据库表及关系的建立 13
3.3 系统概要设计 15
3.3.1系统架构 15
3.3.2功能模块设计 16
第四章 系统的详细设计与实现 18
4.1 系统框架的实现 18
4.2 系统各模块设计及实现 19
4.2.1 登陆模块 19
4.2.2 管理员模块 19
4.2.3 员工模块 25
4.3 系统类及类之间关系设计 27
4.3.1 电子印章子系统 27
4.3.1 Model层的实现 28
4.3.2 Service层的实现 29
4.3.3 Action层的实现 30
4.3.4 Dao层的实现 30
第5章 系统运行测试 33
5.1 测试概述 33
4.3.4 软件测试目的 33
5.2 功能测试 33 [资料来源]
5.2.1 用户登录 33
5.2.2添加部门 34
5.2.3添加岗位 35
5.2.4添加员工 36
第6章 总结与展望 38
参考文献 39
作者简介 40
致 谢 41 [版权所有:]