摘 要:随着两型社会的建设,长沙的发展将受到越来越多人的关注。房地产已成为国民经济的支柱产业,其市场波动直接对国民经济的发展产生重大影响。近年来,长沙市房地产持续稳定发展,价格低于同类城市,整个行业具有较大的上升空间。但是2008年以来,长沙房地产同全国其他城市一样,面临前所未有的挑战。虽然房地产价格稳中有升,但是其同比增长率出现明显下降,受到金融危机的影响,2009年长沙房地产价格出现下降的趋势。
关键词: 长沙市;金融危机;策略;房地产;品牌企业
Changsha Real Estate Enterprise Financial Crisis Coping Strategies
Abstract:With the construction of a resource-economical and environment-friendly society, more and more people pay close attention to the development of Changsha. Real estate has become one of the main industries of China's national economics, its fluctuations has direct influence to the development of national economics. For the past few years, real estate of Changsha city was keeping steady progression; it has a very big chance because the price is lower than other capital cities. But form 2008, Changsha city will face unprecedented challenges just like the other cities. Even though the price has a little raise, but the growth rate appear obviously decline from years before. With the influence financial crisis the price of Changsha city real estate appears to be slowing down in 2009.
Key words:Changsha City;financial crisis;strategies;real estate;brand enterprise