关键词:黎平县; 茶叶产业;发展
Tea culture to some extent can also be said that a symbol of Chinese civilization, the earliest to play the effectiveness of the tea is China. It is no exaggeration to say that as early as thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese have found the food value of tea and medicinal value, for now fast-paced lifestyle, if you can have time to sit down, tea can also be said Is beneficial to physical and mental health, so tea can be said that we can not be underestimated the meaning. Tea is also one of China's important economic crops, for the promotion of rural economic development also contributed to their own strength. But with the development of society, the globalization of the economy, the tea industry is also facing many challenges, if not a good grasp of the opportunity to seek development, where the development of tea industry will also decline. This paper combines the background of the times, from a number of angles more comprehensive analysis of the tea industry itself, and then find a solution to these problems method measures, is of some practical significance. To the Liping County, the development of the tea industry to go more smoothly, and thus promote the economic development of the entire region.
Key words: Liping County; tea industry; development
黎平县茶叶产业发展对策研究 1
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、 绪论 2
二、 茶叶相关概念综述 3
(一) 茶叶的种类 3
(二) 茶叶产业化 4
三、 黎平县茶叶发展现状 5
(一) 我国茶叶生产现状 5
(二) 黎平县茶叶生产现状 7
四、 影响黎平县茶叶发展的因素 9
(一) 生产采摘环节的问题 9
(二) 加工销售环节的问题 10
五、 结语 11
参考文献 11