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摘    要


With the advent of the Internet age, the financial accounting accounting of the network economy is becoming more and more important to the enterprise. For enterprises, establish a reasonable system of financial accounting, can help enterprises to better avoid the risks of market management, improve capital profit margin. From the long-term development, the development of the financial accounting system to build the stable structure, is advantageous to the enterprise under the condition of fluctuations in the international economic situation, realize the sustainable development of smooth. That creates greater value for the enterprise. China's enterprises in the construction of the more traditional financial accounting, to the new accounting mode and the old accounting mode, so in the network economy under the background of accounting development.
Based on the above development, this paper studies the research of some enterprises after reading and studying the domestic and foreign literature. Combine theory with practice. Analysis of our country's comprehensive data at the same time, the research to our country network economy accounting in the accounting standard for business enterprises, accounting contents, accounting method and accounting personnel, accounting archives management effects. The post-reform network economy accounting system is designed to promote the maturity of the accounting system of China's online economy. Under the network economy, the accounting system in China problems and countermeasures of research, for our country to further macroeconomic reforms to provide effective basis, improve the efficiency of the reform. At the same time, it also promotes the theory of accounting to absorb the new ideas of the Internet economy, and better serve the future development of our enterprises.


Keywords: the Internet economy; Accounting; Accounting computerization;

目    录
摘    要    I
Abstract    II
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的及意义    1
1.研究目的    1
2.研究意义    1
(三)研究主要内容    2
(四)国内外研究综述    1
1.国外研究现状及发展趋势    1
2.国内研究现状及发展趋势    1
二、网络经济下会计核算的理论基础    4
(一)网络经济的含义    4
(二)网络经济下会计核算的特点    4
1.数据处理一体化    4
2.内部控制的程序化    4
3.会计人员业务知识的多面化    5
三、网络经济下会计核算现状分析    6
(一)对会计准则的影响    6 [来源:]
(二)对会计核算内容的影响    6
(三)对会计核算方法的影响    6
(四)对会计人员的影响    6
(五)对会计档案管理的影响    7
四、网络经济背景下会计核算存在的问题    8
(一)缺乏相应的监管制度    8
1.企业的控制制度不健全    8
2.企业的监管制度不健全    8
(二)对会计核算的认识还有一些偏差    8
1.会计核算方法没有相应的变更    8
2.会计核算方法横向之间不可比    9
(三)会计核算人才严重匮乏    9
1.缺乏必要的会计核算经验    9
2.会计人员的责任意识淡薄    9
(四)会计核算系统较差    10
1.会计信息系统的安全性较差    10
2.专业会计软件市场不够完善    10
五、网络经济下会计核算问题的对策    11
(一)健全和完善会计准则和相关法律制度    11


1.提高员工参与制定的积极性    11
2.完善相关会计法律法规    11
(二)加强会计核算环境建设    11
1.完善会计核算制度    11
2.建立企业内部会计控制制度和机构    12
(三)培养复合型知识结构会计人员    12
1.加强对员工的培训力度    12
2.提高会计人员的思想道德素质    13
(四)提高会计信息系统的安全性    13
1.积极进行会计核算系统的开发    13
2.加强信息系统的安全性    13
(五)严格落实奖惩制度和完善绩效考核体系    14
1.严格落实奖惩制度    14
2.完善绩效考核体系    14
结    论    16
致    谢    17
参考文献    18

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