摘 要:品牌战略是关系到一个企业兴衰成败、长治久安的根本性决策,它是企业品牌经营的提纲和总领,是实现持续发展的前提与保证。先做对的事,然后把事情做对。品牌战略就是做对的事,如果事情一开始就错了,那么不管过程如何努力,都会是事倍功半的结果。
Discussing The Brand Stratgy Of Ten Fu Group
Abstract:Brand strategy is related to a business success or failure, long-term stability of the fundamental decisions, the corporate brand management and consul-general outline, a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development and assurance. Do the right thing firstly, and then do things right. Brand strategy is to do the right thing, if things start wrong, then no matter how hard the process would be less effective results.
Key words: Brand;Brand Strategy;Brand Management