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摘 要
第一部分  提出了研究背景、研究目的和意义,并阐述了论文研究的内容与方法。
第二部分  文献综述,简要阐述了电子商务模式的理论知识,为下文的研究奠定了理论基础。
第三部分  在理论和已有相关研究的基础上,从信息流、资金流以及物流三方面详细剖析了京东商城的商务模式。 [资料来源]
第四部分  对京东商城现阶段的电子商务模式给与建设性建议。
第五部分  在上述分析研究的基础之上,提出电子商务创新模式,以及对未展望。

360 buy e-commerce innovation model research
E-commerce as an emerging industry, obtained the rapid development in recent years, bring new growth opportunities for our country's economy. Such a large market to attract major e-commerce enterprises to this big cake, the market increasingly competitive, each big enterprise also is constantly adjust their operation patterns in order to meet the needs of the consumers, obtain a bigger share of the market. 360 buy as China's largest B2C website, this paper is to study and evaluate the business model, and tries 360 buy business model to conduct a comprehensive analysis. For other companies can learn from and reference to 360 buy's business model ,put forward some constructive Suggestions to the development of 360 buy. [资料来源]
Based on 360 buy as the research object, this paper on the definition of business model and evaluation at home and abroad on the basis of summarizing the theory, from the enterprise business model, electronic commerce enterprise core business model perspective, includes: logistics, information flow and cash flow are studied, and then summarizes the 360 buy of e-commerce innovation model, and according to the 360 buy, facing the competition situation, analyzes the existence insufficiency, 360 buy, puts forward some Suggestions to the development of 360 buy in the future. Based on the above research train of thought, the thesis is divided into five parts:
The first part puts forward the research background, research purpose and significance, and elaborated the paper research content and method.
The second part of literature review, briefly elaborates the electronic commerce mode, and the theoretical knowledge of consumer behavior, laid a theoretical basis to the research in the following.
The third part on the basis of the theory and related research, detailed analyzed the 360 buy business model, management model and business model.


The fourth part gives constructive Suggestions on the development of 360 buy is present, and
future prospects.
The fifth part on the basis of the above analysis and research, put forward electronic commerce model innovation Suggestions.
Keywords: Electronic commerce, business model, B2C

目 录
摘 要    I
目 录    IV
第一章 导论    1
1.1 论文研究背景    1
1.2论文研究的目的和意义    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.3.1国外电子商务研究现状    2
1.3.2国内电子商务研究现状    3
1.4论文研究内容与方法    4
1.4.1主要研究内容及结构安排    4
1.4.2论文的主要研究方法    5
第二章 文献综述    6
2.1电子商务综述    6
2.1.1电子商务的基本概念    6
2.1.2电子商务的分类    6 [来源:]
2.2电子商务模式概述    7
2.1.1商务模式概述    7
2.1.2 “三流”的概述    8
2.1.3 电子商务模式的概述    9
第三章 京东商城电子商务模式分析    11
3.1京东商城概况    11
3.1.1京东商城简介    11
3.1.2 京东商城目标客户    12
3.1.3京东商城电子商务概况    12
3.1.4 战略目标    13
3.2京东商城信息流    13
3.2.1商品信息的提供    14
3.2.2 促销与行销    14
3.2.3技术支持    15
3.2.4服务    16
3.3 京东商城的资金流    16
3.3.1支付方式    16
3.3.2盈利模式    16
3.3.3 融资    17
3.4京东商城的物流    17
3.4.1 供应链管理    17
3.4.2 配送系统管理    19 [来源:]
3.4.3 物流体系    21
第四章 京东商城电子商务模式的不足与建议    23
4.1京东商城电子商务模式的不足    23
4.1.1信息流    23
4.1.2 资金流    23
4.1.3 物流配送问题    24
4.2京东商城电子商务模式改进建议    25
4.2.1 关注信息维护京东商城信誉    25
4.2.2走出盈利模式困境    26
4.2.3提升物流配送    26
第五章 结论与展望    28
5.1 结论    28
5.2展望    29
参考文献    30
致 谢    32 [资料来源]

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