
摘 要
在现实生活中,特别是在各种电气设备中,基于can总线技术的数控系统是很常见的,而各种不同的数控系统的要求是有很大差别的,但是CANopen的技术参数和硬件电路一般都是固定的,当现有设备与自己的需求不相符合时,重新设计开发新的设备是非常不划算的,这时,can总线的扩展模块就有了用武之地。Can总线扩展模块的出现对于推动can总线技术在国内的发展和研究及can总线技术的应用具有重要的指导意义。本文通过对一个数控系统CAN总线的通信数据的分析,制作1款数控主机的扩展模块,使之具备16个数字量输入 8个数字量输出。
论文主要研究了一个数控系统CAN总线的通信数据,进而制作can总线的扩展模块,用来满足数控系统对输入输出数据的位数要求,使得数控系统输入输出更加方便快捷。本设计拟采用stm-32微处理器为主,设计can总线io扩展器。stm-32微处理器是以ARM Cortex-M3为内核的32位微处理器,主频可高达72MHz,内置flash和SRAM,其1容量可高达512kb和64kb,内部集成双bxCAN控制器,支持CAN协议V2.0A和V2.0B。[1]因此以stm-32微处理器作为主控制器。硬件设计主要包括输入模块,输出模块,电源模块,can通讯接口模块以及cpu。并且结合了硬件电路设计了相应的软件,实现了设计的要求。 [来源:]
In this paper, through the analysis of the communication data of a CAN bus in a CNC system, the expansion module of 1 numerical control hosts is made, so that 16 digital quantities are input to 8 digital output. The results have important guiding significance for promoting the development and research of CAN Bus Technology in China and the application of CAN bus technology.
This paper mainly studies the communication data of a numerical control system CAN bus, and then makes the extension module of the CAN bus, which makes the input and output of the CNC system standardized and complete. This design uses stm-32 microprocessor as the main design of CAN bus IO expander. The stm-32 microprocessor is a 32 bit microprocessor with the kernel of ARM Cortex-M3. The main frequency can be as high as 72MHz, built-in flash and SRAM. Its 1 capacity can be as high as 512KB and 64KB. The internal integration of dual bxCAN controller supports CAN V2.0A and V2.0B. Therefore, the microprocessor is used as the main controller. The hardware design mainly includes input module, output module, power module, can communication interface module and CPU. The corresponding software is designed by combining the hardware circuit, and the design requirements are realized. [资料来源:]
Key Words: can bus technology; stm-32 microprocessor; main controller

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 CAN总线技术介绍 2
1.3 CAN总线的基本概念及优势 3
1.3.1 CAN总线的基本概念 4
1.3.2CAN总线的优势 4
1.4 CAN总线通信 5
1.4.1通信协议 6
1.4.2报文格式 7
第2章 CAN总线IO扩展器的设计方案 8
2.1 IO扩展器的整体设计方案 8
2.2 IO扩展器硬件设计及原理 9 [资料来源:]
2.3 CAN总线IO扩展器通信代码设计方案及原理 11
第3章 CAN总线IO扩展器硬件设计 13
3.1 IO扩展器输入输出模块 14
3.2 IO扩展器电源模块 16
3.3 IO扩展器主控模块 18
第4章 CAN总线IO扩展器通信代码设计 19
4.1初始化陈序 19
4.2中断程序 20
4.3发送信息 20
4.4接收信息 21
总结与展望 22
参考文献 24
致 谢 25 [资料来源]