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Design of Automobile Lamp Control System
Abstract:The improvement of the productivity of today's society and the improvement of people's living standards have led to an increase in the number of cars.Whenwereferto the security of the car driving at night, this paper designs an automatic converting system for the far and near light of the car based on the STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer control, which increases the intelligence of the light and the safety of driving. The system is mainly composed of a light intensity detecting circuit, a single chip MCU, a switch detecting circuit, a clock reset circuit and a Far and near light conversion circuit.When the photoresistor in the light intensity detection circuit is illuminated by the surrounding environment, the light analog signal is turned into a digitalsignal through an A/D converterand sent to the single-chip microcomputer. The single-chip computer analyzes the relevant data and sends it to the LCD1602 LCD to display the light intensity. At this time, when the light intensity is lower than a light intensity threshold2(light intensity threshold 2<light intensity threshold 1), the low beam light is automatically turned on; when the light intensity is lower than alight intensity threshold1, then the ultrasonic distance measuring circuit is used to detect the distance of the preceding vehicle, if the distance is below a safedistance threshold , keep the low beam, if the distance exceeds the safedistancethreshold, start the high beam. Through the above functions, the lights can be automatically switchedinthenight to avoid traffic accidents caused by lighting switching problems.


Keywords:single chip microcomputer; ultrasonic sensor; photoresistor; automatic light switching



1绪论    1
1.1研究意义    1
1.2研究现状    1
1.3发展趋势    2
1.4研究目的    2
2系统实现方案    2
2.1系统整体框架    2
2.2系统功能    3
3系统硬件设计    4
3.1 单片机引脚电路    4
3.1.1单片机的选择    4
3.1.2时钟电路    5
3.1.3复位电路    6
3.2超声波测距电路    7
3.3 LCD1602显示电路    8
3.4光强检测电路    9
3.4.1光敏电阻    9
3.4.2模数转换器    9
3.5远近光灯转换电路    11


3.6按键电路    12
3.7电源电路    13
4系统软件设计    14
4.1主程序设计    14
4.2光强检测子程序设计    16
4.3 LCD 1602显示子程序设计    17
4.4超声波测距子程序设计    18
4.5远近光灯转换子程序设计    19
5系统实现    20
5.1仿真实现    21
5.1.1电路原理图设计    21
5.1.2仿真调试及结果    22
5.2实物焊接及实现    24
5.2.1焊接过程    24
5.2.2调试过程    26
6总结与展望    30
参考文献    30
致谢    32 [来源:]

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