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摘  要   
伴随着社会的快速进步与经济的大步发展,生活中的安全隐患也是层出不穷,各种犯罪活动越发频繁,生命财产能够有所保障的需求也是与日俱增,如此基于RFID技术的门禁管理系统很快推广开来。RFID技术,在日常生活中大家更多听说的叫法是叫做射频识别技术,这种技术通过读卡器上的发射天线以一定的频率发射电磁波,射频卡感应电磁波,返回卡片上的数据,从而实现对射频卡片的识别。这样的技术在生活中广泛应用,比如公交卡,这种技术有着很多优势,它使用方便、制造成本低、适用于需要非接触识别的场合,但缺点也很明显,它容易被复制。本次设计使用的RFID技术,采用的芯片是NXP公司的推出的MFRC522芯片,以此芯片为基础设计出合适的读写模块,实现门禁系统中对射频卡的读写功能。RC522读写模块捕获到的信息,需要处理器来处理相应的数据,采用的是STC89C52RC单片机。RFID读写模块读取到的信息,通过串行的方式将读取到的数据发送个单片机,与在读卡之前已经存储好的信息进行对比,如果比对成功,则会驱动电机,模拟实际的门禁系统的开门动作。同时为了更好地用户体验,在此门禁系统中,还设计了显示模块,用于显示时间信息、温度信息和一些人机交互的提示信息。显示模块在整个系统中承担着显示着系统中交互信息的任务,所采用的显示模块是用的LCD12232液晶显示屏,整块显示屏相对较小,显示的信息相对简单,多是一些简略的提示信息。时间模块采用DS1302时钟芯片,当单片机读取时间数据时,实时时间就显示出来。温度模块采用温度芯片DS18B20,芯片实时采集环境中的温度,单片机读取相应数据就可以显示出实时温度。 [资料来源]
关键词:门禁系统, RFID, STC89C52RC

The Design of Access Control Management System which is Based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
With the development of the society, life safety hazards are endless, various criminal activities more frequently, in order to protect people's lives and property safety, based on the application of RFID technology, access control management system to promote open soon Come. RFID technology in their daily lives more we hear it is called is called radio frequency identification technology, which through a transmit antenna at the reader emits electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency, electromagnetic induction RF card, return card information in order to achieve recognition information. Such technology is widely used in life, such as public transportation cards, this technology has many advantages, it is easy to use, low cost, non-contact applications that require recognition of the occasion, but the disadvantages are also obvious, it is easy to copy. The use of RFID technology design using NXP's chip is introduced MFRC522 chip, this chip is designed based on a proper reading and writing module, the access control system RF card reader function. RC522 reader module captures the information needed to process the corresponding data processor, using the STC89C52RC microcontroller. RFID reader module to read the information, by way of serial data transmission to read a single chip, and have been stored before the reader good information to compare, if comparison is successful, the drive motor to simulate the actual door access control system operation. Meanwhile, in order to better the user experience, this access control system, also designed a display module for displaying the message time information, temperature information, and some kind of human interaction. The display module undertakes the task of displaying system interaction information throughout the system, used in the display module is used LCD12232 LCD screen, the entire screen is relatively small, the message is simple, mostly brief message. Time clock chip DS1302 modules when microcontroller reads the time data, real-time display. For chip temperature acquisition it is a temperature chip DS18B20, temperature chip real-time acquisition ambient temperature, microcontroller reads the temperature data can be displayed in real-time temperature. [资料来源:]
Keywords: Access Control System,RFID,STC89C52RC


目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  引言    1
1.1  门禁系统的研究背景和意义    1
1.1.1  门禁系统的研究背景    1
1.1.2  门禁系统的研究意义    2
1.2  门禁系统的国内外发展现状    3
1.3  本门禁系统的主要研究内容    4
第二章  门禁系统设计流程    5
2.1  系统设计任务要求    5
2.2  门禁系统设计流程    5
第三章  硬件电路的设计    6
3.1  系统总体设计    6
3.2  STC89C52RC 单片机控制器    6
3.2.1  STC89C52RC 单片机控制器的介绍    6 [资料来源]
3.2.2  STC89C52RC 的通信方式介绍    7
3.3  RFID 模块    8
3.4  显示模块    12
3.4.1  LCD12232 液晶显示器的介绍    13
3.5  温度模块    14
3.5.1  DS18B20 的工作原理    14
3.5.2  DS18B20 的特性    15
3.6  时间模块    15
3.6.1  门禁系统中的时间模块的应用    15
3.6.2  DS1302    时钟芯片的介绍    16
3.7  电机模块    17
3.7.1  ULN2003 芯片的介绍    17
3.7.2  步进电机的介绍    18
第四章  软件程序的设计    19
4.1  门禁系统主程序设计    19
4.2  RFID模块软件设计    20
4.3  LCD显示程序    21
4.4  电机模块程序    22
第五章  总结    24


5.1  门禁系统设计总结    24
5.2  门禁系统设计成果展示    24
结  语    26
参考文献    27
致  谢    29
附录    30 [版权所有:]

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