
RFID reader array antenna
Abstract: RFID radio frequency identification system is more and more widely used in many industries such as industrial production, logistics and transportation, and has more development. As an important part of the RFID system, the antenna has received more attention. In this paper, a near-field shaped array antenna is designed for RFID systems. Four dipoles are added in the weak place. The antennas form a receiving antenna array.Using the power transmission efficiency maximization theory, the optimal transmit antenna array excitation distribution is obtained. The main research content of this paper is to design a 4-cell near-field shaped array antenna with a working frequency of 915MHz. The simulation results show that the normalized electric field is evenly distributed in the near-field region 150 mm above the array antenna.
Key words: Radio Frequency Identification; Antenna Array; Near-field Beam-forming
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究目的与意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
(三)本文的研究内容 2
二、天线基础理论与RFID技术 2
(一)天线场区的划分 2
(二)微带天线理论 3
(三)RFID技术 5
(四)本章小结 6
三、阵列天线优化方法 7
(一)优化原理 7
(二)设计优化步骤 8
四、阵列天线的设计与优化 9
(一)天线阵元的设计 9
1、微带贴片天线参数的计算 9
2、天线参数优化 10
(二)天线阵列的设计 12
1、发射天线 12
2、接收天线 13
3、传输系统 13 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
(三)馈电网络的设计 15
(四)阵列天线实物的制作与测量 16
1、制作实物 16
2、测量结果 16
(五)本章小结 18
五、总结 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21