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意识到电梯去撞在头顶上,一名乘客建议每个人躺在地板上的伤病的影响降到最低。当电梯门车相撞的治理结构到2400呎速度的估计每分钟打了四名乘客,汽车顶棚。其中一位乘客穿着非常脏兮兮的衣服,他留下一个可见的灰尘印上的电梯出他身体上的确切位置时,他勃然大怒。乘客遭受和肋骨骨折椎骨骨折除了头割伤和割伤。无花果。1和2显示正常位置的电梯,电梯的最终位置。 [资料来源]

Abstract - A mine elevator recently experienced an ascending car overspeed accident resulting in serious injuries to four passengers. Although the four miners laid down on the floor prior to impact, the miners struck the ceiling of the elevator car as it collided into the overhead structure at an estimated speed four times faster than normal. Several electrical design precautions can be implemented to prevent elevator control system failures.
This paper examines safe electrical design of elevator control systems. Supplemental circuits and devices which improve the safety integrity and maintenance of the elevator control system are presented. These circuits and devices provide protection that eliminates the potential hazard and significantly reduces the possibility of a mine elevator accident.
A serious ascending elevator overspeed accident occurred on March 28, 1994 at a southern Ohio underground coal mine.[1] Four miners entered the elevator car at the mine surface and descended 300 ft at the rated speed of 600 ft/min. When the elevator arrived at the mine level, it reversed direction and began to rapidly accelerate to the surface without stopping. Realizing the elevator was accelerating out of control, two of the passengers repeatedly struck the emergency stop button in a futile effort to stop the elevator.


Aware that the elevator was going to crash into the overhead, a passenger advised everyone to lay down on the floor to minimize their injuries upon impact. When the elevator car collided into the overhead structure at an estimated speed of 2,400 ft/min, the four passengers struck the car ceiling. One of the passengers was wearing very dusty clothing and he left a visible dust imprint on the ceiling of the elevator which showed the exact position of his body when he struck the ceiling. The passengers suffered fractured vertebrae and ribs in addition to head lacerations and contusions. Figs. 1 and 2 show the normal elevator position at the surface and the final position of the elevator after the accident.

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