[摘要] 管材成形由于容易满足塑性成形产品轻量化、强韧化和低耗高效、精确制造等方面的要求,在航空航天、汽车工业等许多行业中得到广泛的应用。管材弯曲成形工艺的研究是其中备受关注并得到迅速发展的重要领域之一。介绍了几种新的弯管工艺,阐述了国内外弯管工艺的最新研究进展和发展趋势。
[关键词] 管材;弯曲;弯管工艺
State of the Art of the Bending Process and Research of Tube
Abstract: With the characteristic of high efficiency,forming precision and strength/weight ratio product and low consumption,tube froming processes find an wide application in modern industries such as aero-space and automobile.Tube bending process is one of the most important tube forming processes are introduced,as well as advancement and trend of relative research report.
Key word: tube ; bending ;bending process