触发器 FLIP-FLOPS(中文4500字,英文3000字)
1 Intorduce
In this passage, we show how to design flip-flops, which operate as one-bit memory cells. Flip-flops are also called latches. Logic circuits constructed using flip-flops can have the present output be a function of both the past and present inputs. Such circuits are called senfiential logic circuits.
All flip-flops are based on the same principle: Positive feedback is used to produce a circuit that is bistable . A bistable circuit is one that has two stable operating points. Which operating point the circuit is in is called the state of the circuit. If the state can be sensed and changed, then the circuit can function as a one-bit memory element.
The simplest bistable circuit is constructed using two inverters in a loop as shown in Figure 1-1.This circuit only has two nodes, A and B. Because of the inverters, if A is high, B must be low and vice versa; hence, the circuit has two stable states. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]