摘 要:本文结合我国工程量清单计价的推行,通过与传统定额计价模式比较,分析了工程量清单计价模式的特点与内容,探讨了实施工程量清单计价模式后工程结算存在的主观问题和客观问题,并研究了工程施工准备期、施工期内、竣工结算时产生工程结算纠纷的主要原因,提出解决问题的建议与措施,如规范招投标程序、合理取定工程量清单的综合单价、加强合同管理等,以减少工程结算纠纷。
Study on the construction settlement of the engineering bill pricing mode
Abstract: This article based on the prompting of engineering bill pricing in our country, through the comparison with the traditional quota valuation model, analysing the features and content of engineering bill pricing mode, discussing the subjective and objective problems after the implementation of engineering bill pricing of construction settlement, and studying in the engineering construction preparation, construction period and completion of settlement of dispute settlement produced major reasons and puts forward some suggestions and measures to solve the problems, such as the standard tendering procedures, reasonable price of comprehensive unit price, strengthening the contract management etc, in order to reduce the settlement of dispute. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words:Quantity list; Engineering settlement;Dispute
工程量清单报价:依据工程量清单、国家地区或行业的定额资料、市场信息,招标人或者招标委托人可以制定项目的标底价格,而投标单位则依据招标人提供的工程量清单,根据企业定额和从各种渠道获得的工程造价信息和经验数据计算得到招标报价。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]