
关键词:冷负荷 风机盘管 水力计算 冷热源
The design of air-conditioning system in the Star hotel of Nanjing City
This project is a Nanjing star hotel air conditioning system design, the air conditioning system for comfort air conditioning system. This project is located in Nanjing city, Jiangsu province, with a total construction area of 13000 square meters, including underground, ten layer above the ground. The main functional areas: restaurants, private dining rooms, KTV, office space and so on various functional architectural space.
The design load calculation cooling load is obtained by using the unsteady method, calculate the 9:00 ~ 22:00 hourly cooling load. Offices and other small rooms adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air system independently, fresh air into the indoor air enthalpy value, access to each room, does not undertake indoor load; The large space adopts full air system. Kitchen ventilation design, storage room, etc, fresh air does not need hot wet processing, simultaneously exhaust and smoke exhaust common design. Air conditioning water system design for a pump variable flow closed system. This project is located in nanjing, summer cooling, the single screw water chiller refrigeration is adopted to choose two models for york YEWS100SA screw water chillers,
decorate room in 1 floor underground, chilled water temperature for 7/12 ℃, 32/37 ℃ cooling water temperature.
Key words:Cooling load, Fan Coil Unit(FCU),Hydraulic Calculation, Cold and heat sources

第1章 设计概况 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2 设计参数 1
第2章 空调负荷计算 6
2.1 空调负荷计算一般规定 6
2.2冷负荷计算方法 8
2.3热负荷计算方法 9
2.4 湿负荷的计算方法 9
2.5 以商场的负荷计算为例 10
2.5.1照明冷负荷: 10
2.5.2人体冷负荷 11
2.5.3内围护结构传热形成的冷负荷 13
2.5.4外窗冷负荷 15
2.5.5湿负荷 16
2.5.6热负荷 18
第3章 空调系统的划分与方式的选择 19
3.1 空调房间分区 19
3.1.1 空调系统的分区原则 19
3.1.2 空调分区 19
第四章 送风量确定及设备选型 22
4.1 房间新风量确定 22
4.2 房间送风量确定 22
4.2.1风机盘管+新风机组系统方案分析与典型房间计算 22
4.2.3一次回风系统空气处理机组设备选型 26
4.2.4风机盘管+新风系统设备选型 26
第5章 气流组织计算 28
5.1 全空气系统西餐厅散流器顶送 28
5.2风管设计及水力计算 28
5.2.1基本要求 28
5.2.2风管水力计算 29
5.2.3回风口的布置方式及要求 32
5.3冷热源的确定与经济技术分析 32
5.4 冷热源型式的比较 32
5.5方案确定与比较 33
5.5.1制冷机组的选择原则 33
5.5.2各种制冷机的优缺点比较 34
5.5.3确定最终方案 35
5.5.4冷水机组+燃气锅炉 36
第六章 空调水系统设计 38
6.1基本要求 38
6.1.2管道敷设 38
6.2 冷冻水系统设计 38
6.2.1系统类型的确定 38
6.2.2定压装置 39
6.2.3分集水器 39
6.3冷却水系统设计 41
6.3.1冷却塔 41
6.3.2.冷却塔的布置 41
6.4水管水力计算 41
第七章 管道消声、隔振、绝热与防腐 43
7.1 消声 43
7.2 隔振 44
7.3 保温 44
7.4 防腐 45
参考文献 45 [资料来源:Doc163.com]