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近期以来,江苏省火灾事故频发,商场、施工建筑、化工厂等各种场所均发生过火情。国家对消防也日益重视的今天,我们把目光放在了地铁站,重点规划了地铁车站消防排水系统的设计以及各设施的选择的计算过程。设计步骤如下:首先根据地铁站的特点,按照国标要求,划分出合理的防火区,将站厅层划分为4个防火分区,站台层划分为3个防火分区;选择栓口直径65mm、喷嘴直径19mm、水带长度25m的室内消火栓,确定室内消防用水量为15L/s,选择型号为80DL50-202的水泵,计算得消防水池容积114m³,选用型号为 SS100的室外消火栓,确定室外消防用水量为30L/s,接型号为SQS150-1.6的水泵接合器,使用天正给排水和CAD软件绘制平面图和相关系统图。本设计具有一定的科学性和可行性。
关键词:消防给水设计  消火栓系统  防火分区  防火分隔构件 


Design of fire water supply and drainage system in a subway station
With the improvement of urban planning and the increasingly congested urban traffic, subway has become the first choice for many people to travel everyday. The subway station has obvious characteristics such as large traffic and insufficient space per capita. In case of fire, it is difficult for ground fire rescue forces to enter the implementation of rescue. In that case, the fire water supply and drainage system is extremely important, and the preciousand facilities of the subway station is also important too.  
Recently, fire accidents have occurred frequently in Jiangsu Province, and fires have occurred in various places such as shopping malls, construction buildings, and chemical plants.  Today, the country is paying more and more attention to fire protection. We have set our sights on the subway station, focusing on the design of the fire-fighting drainage system of the subway station and the calculation process of the selection of each facility.  The design steps are as follows: Firstly, according to the characteristics of the subway station, according to the requirements of the national standard, a reasonable fire zone is divided, and the station floor is divided into four fire zones. The platform is divided into three fire zones; the diameter of the plug is 65mm and the diameter of the nozzle is selected.  19mm, indoor fire hydrant with a length of 25m, determine the indoor fire water consumption is 15L / s, select the model 80DL50-202 of the pump, calculate the fire pool volume 114m3, select the outdoor fire hydrant model SS100, determine the outdoor fire water consumption is 30L / s  Connect the water pump adapter of model SQS150-1.6 and draw the floor plan and related system diagram using Tianzheng Water Supply and Drainage and CAD software.  This design has certain scientific and feasibility.

Key words: Fire water supply design ,fire hydrant system, fire partition ,fire protection partition

第一章绪论    1
1.1问题的提出与本次设计的意义    1
1.1.1问题的提出    1
1.1.2设计意义    1
1.2设计目的与设计技术路线    1
1.2.1设计目的    1
1.2.2技术路线    3
第二章设计内容及依据    4
2.1设计内容    4
2.1.1防火分区设计    4
2.1.2消火栓系统设计    4
2.1.3消防泵房和消防水池设计    4
2.2设计依据    5
第三章防火分区设计    6
3.1防火分区划分    6
3.1.1防火分区设置原则    6
3.1.2防火分区设计基本流程    7
3.2防火分隔构件    9
3.2.1防火分隔构件设置依据    9
3.2.2防火分隔构件设置过程    9

第四章消火栓系统    11
4.1室外消火栓系统设计    11
4.1.1确定室外消火栓的给水技术参数和消防用水量    11
4.1.2确定室外消火栓的数量    11
4.1.3确定消火栓型号    12
4.1.4水泵接合器的设置个数和型号    12
4.2室内消火栓系统设计    13
4.2.1相关设计依据    13
4.2.2室内消火栓系统设计基本流程    13
4.2.3基本参数的选定    14
4.2.4消防水源    15
4.2.5水枪设计流量    15
4.2.6保护半径和布置间距    16
4.2.7绘制室内消火栓系统平面图    17
4.2.8确定室内消火栓系统的消防用水量    17
4.2.9计算最不利点消火栓栓口压力    17
4.2.10布置管网形式和计算管径    18
4.2.11计算最不利管路的水头损失    19
4.2.12管路局部水头损失    20
4.2.13系统设置    20 [资料来源:]
第五章消防泵房和水池    22
5.1消防泵选型和消防水池计算    22
5.1.1消防泵选型    22
5.1.2消防水池计算    24
第七章灭火器    25
7.1配置标准    25
6.2灭火器设计    25
第七章总结与感想    28
7.1总结    28
7.1.1防火分区    28
7.1.2消火栓系统    28
7.1.3消防泵和消防水池    29
7.2感想    29
参考文献    30
致谢    31

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