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摘  要



The construction organization design is based on the whole construction project. It is the operational plan to guide the whole process of the whole construction and the whole process of construction. It has a decisive influence on the scientific management, the civilized construction and the good comprehensive economic benefit of the whole design project.        
According to the actual situation of the No. 7 Building of pure water bank in East Lake, Wuhan, according to the size of the project, the characteristics of the construction structure, the difficulty of technology and technology and the concrete conditions of the construction site, it can be divided into the outline of the construction organization design, the general design of the construction organization, the organization design of the unit construction and the work design of the subsection or sub item.            


To guide the construction organization and management, construction preparation and implementation, construction control and coordination, the allocation and use of resources, and other comprehensive technical and economic documents. It is an important means of scientific management of the whole process of construction activities. Through the compilation of the construction organization design, the characteristics of the project and the construction environment can be taken. Various specific conditions, in accordance with the objective law of construction, the formulation of the proposed construction project, the construction sequence, construction method, labor organization and technical organization measures, can determine the construction progress, control the construction period; can organize materials, equipment, equipment, labor force requirements and use of the order; can be combined. Rationale arrangement and utilization of temporary measures for construction services; reasonable deployment of construction sites. In order to combine the design and construction of the project, technology and economy, construction organization and construction management, the overall law of the construction and the local law of construction, the civil construction and equipment installation, the various departments and the various specialties, it is coordinated and harmonized with each other. 

Key Words:Construction engineering;Construction organization plan;Residential building;Eonomics


目  录
第1章 绪论    1


1.1研究背景、目的、意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究目的和意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3研究内容及预期目标    2
1.3.1研究内容    2
1.3.2预期目标    3
第2章 编制依据    4
2.1工程地质勘察报告    4
2.2经过有关部门审批的有效施工图    4
2.3国家或行业规范、标准、规程、法规、图集,地方标准、法规、图集    4
第3章 工程概况    7
3.1项目主要情况    7
3.2工程建筑设计概况    7
3.3结构设计概况    7
3.4主要施工条件    8
3.4.1气象条件    8
3.4.2现场条件    8
第4章 施工部署    9
4.1工程目标    9
4.1.1质量目标    9
4.1.2进度目标    9
4.1.3安全目标    9 [资料来源:]
4.1.4文明施工目标    9
4.2总体任务及施工划分    10
4.2.1施工总体任务    10
4.2.2施工阶段的划分    11
4.2.3各主要分布工程施工流程    11
4.3项目经理部组织机构    12
4.3.1组织机构划分    12
4.3.2主要岗位职责    12
4.3.3项目职能部门主要职责    13
第5章 施工进度计划    16
5.1工期目标    16
5.2施工进度计划    16
第6章 施工准备    17
6.1技术准备    17
6.1.1技术资料准备    17
6.1.2施工方案编制计划    17
6.1.3试验检验计划    18
6.1.4设备调试计划    18
6.2现场准备    18
6.2.1临时设施布置    18
6.2.2施工临时用水    18
6.2.3施工临时用电    20
6.2.4临时排水    22 [资料来源:]
第7章 主要资源配置计划    23
7.1劳动力配置计划    23
7.2物资配置计划    23
7.2.1材料需要量计划    23
7.2.2周转材料需要量计划    24
7.2.3机械设备需要量计划    26
第8章 主要施工方法    28
8.1测量工程    28
8.1.1测量工程概况    28
8.1.2测量仪器配备    28
8.1.3测量方法    29
8.1.4建立高程控制网    30
8.2地下工程    31
8.2.1土方开挖    31
8.2.2土方回填    31
8.2.3基坑排水    31
8.2.4地下室防水工程    32
8.3主体工程    34
8.3.1钢筋工程    34
8.3.2模板工程    34
8.3.3混凝土工程    39
8.4脚手架工程    45
8.4.1脚手架选型    45 [来源:]
8.4.2脚手架要求    45
8.5起重吊装工程    49
8.5.1塔吊工程概况    49
8.5.2安装准备    49
8.5.3安装步骤    50
8.5.4安全措施    50
8.5.5施工电梯    52
第9章 施工总平面布置    53
9.1施工平面布置原则    53
9.2临建布置    53
9.2.1办公区    53
9.2.2管理人员生活区    53
9.2.3食堂    53
9.2.4工人生活区    53
9.3临时道路    54
9.4地下施工阶段总平面布置    54
9.5地上施工阶段总平面布置    54
第10章 施工管理计划    55
10.1进度管理计划    55
10.1.1工程阶段性目标    55
10.1.2组织机构保障    55
10.1.3进度管理制度    56
10.2质量管理计划    56

10.2.1组织机构保障    56
10.2.2质量管理制度    58
10.2.3检验和测试计划    60
10.2.4质量保证措施    61
10.3安全生产管理计划    63
10.3.1安全生产管理目标    63
10.3.2安全管理制度    63
10.3.3安全教育与培训    64
10.3.4安全技术防护措施    64
10.4.1环境保护管理措施    65
10.4.2降低环境污染技术措施    66
第11章 结论    69
参考文献    70
致  谢    71 [来源:]

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