摘 要:针对杂交水稻易穗芽性状来自亲本的特性,本研究选用穗发芽率差异显著的杂交水稻亲本金为材料,分别选取浓度10 mg/L、20 mg/L 、60mg/LABA对三个不同杂交水稻种子进行研究内容包括:种子萌发率和发芽率测定、种子萌发时胚芽长、胚根长、和侧根数测定,结果表明:经脱落酸处理后,10 mg/L浓度表现为明显的促进发芽增根作用,而其他浓度均表现为抑制发芽, 60mg/L抑制效果最显著,为建立优良的杂交水稻制种栽培模式提供配套措施。
ABA of the relationship between seed germination
Abstract:Rice is easy ear buds Xingzhuang characteristics from parents, this study used significantly different sprouting rate of the principal amount of hybrid rice parental materials were selected concentration of 10 mg / L, 20 mg / L, 60mg/LABA the three Different varieties of hybrid rice research, including: for determination of germination rate and germination, seed germination germ length, radicle length, and lateral root number determination, the results show that: After ABA treatment, 10 mg / L concentration showed significant Promote the role of germination by root, while other concentrations are expressed as inhibition of germination. 60mg / L inhibited the most significant effect, for the establishment of good cultivation mode hybrid rice seed production to provide complementary measures.
Key words:hybrid rice seed; ABA; germination ; lateral roots
本文研究设想使用三个不同浓度的脱落酸分别三个杂交水稻品种进行浸种处理,统计其发芽率、萌发率、胚芽长、胚根长、和侧根数,分析总结ABA对水稻种子萌发的一些影响。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]